Hello Friend,
I have two things to share with you today.
#1... In today's service we talked about an important Word from the Lord which started with: "Ships, Ships' Ships" meaning that the enemy is loading up a massive armada of ships to head for the USA. If this is true, and Mandi, the messenger, has proven herself over time without a doubt. If this is true, and I believe it is, we only have days before a major conflagration. Are you ready to be at the seat of judgment?
In today's prayer session we reviewed the Beatitudes found in Matthew Chapter 5. Most of us have sin in our heart and we don't even know it. Our world, our culture, our society accepts many things which are accepted as 'normal'.
I shared the link to the prophetic word I referenced on 'Ships, Ships, Ships and it was the wrong one. Here is the correct one to hear the word direct from Mandi. She gets to the word a few minutes into the video after she goes over the scriptures Jesus has given her.
#2.... Even if you don't join us for our Sabbath sessions, I want to ask you to pray with us throughout the week as you can.
If you have or are on prayer teams, I would ask that you include those in Venezuela and around the world who are living and suffering under the boot of abject tyranny to the point that they don't have even the basic necessities of life. .
Let me give you a glimpse of what life is like there. I get photos and stories every day on my phone from my man Alex who is working with me trying to help as we can, which is so little.
The hydroelectric dam in Alex's area is in such disrepair they only get a few hours of electricity a day which is usually in the wee hours of the night.
No electricity means no water pumps and people are going to extremes just to find water to live.
Hyperinflation and government intervention in the free markets have caused severe disruptions in supplies to the point that mass malnutrition and even starvation are common. I have photos which are ghastly. To that end, people are going to the countryside to find dogs and horses to eat. gasoline is rationed and the most anyone can buy is about 5 gallons at a time.
To get gasoline one has to wait in line often up to 3 days! 3 days sitting in your car waiting in line! Imagine being in your car for 3 days.
The man who provides car transport for Alex as he goes around doing his mission work in trying to distribute what little we can offer people in need, was in line two weeks ago. While he was in line he was robbed. The robbers took the wheels off his car and the battery from his car along with whatever else of value the man had. He was left stranded with an inoperable car stuck on the road with no money. And where is the money to get the car back in shape? Imagine the desperation.
With food being so scarce and expensive many people relied on local fishermen to bring in their catch. The fishermen don't go out anymore because pirates just attack them and steal their fish so fishing now serves no purpose and is very risky to life and limb.
The local hospital has no medicine or supplies. When People come for care, the hospital gives them a list of things the doctors need to treat them. The patient is then instructed to come back with the medicines and supplies needed in order to be treated. This often a death sentence because the people have no money to buy these things. Think of the desperation of this situation. If you were a parent needing care for your child and care was out of reach. With our help Alex gets lists from the doctors and we bring what we can but it's never enough.
When Alex brings supplies to the hospital he can't just walk in with them. The military has guards outside the hospital who refuse to allow relief from private parties into the hospital. The government attitude is that if they are not 'in on the action' nobody else gets to move or help.. Getting supplies to the doctors is like a clandestine military operation with great risk if getting caught.
President Maduro realizes how much his people hate him so his security contingent is not made of up Venezuelans. He brings in Cuban guerillas to protect him. These same squads also go out into the neighborhoods to kill political opponents. If they identify someone who was involved in a protest, Their days are limited.
I could go on but you get the picture. I ask you to please share this on your blog or other means or prayer groups to let people know the reality of this situation and how our brothers and sisters need help so desperately.
Right now my business is going through a dry season and I'm unable to do what I usually do and I fear that until things improve I may have to abandon the effort until things change. This would be disastrous. Those people need help.
For reference, we have a playlist on YouTube with a variety of videos telling the story and showing our work there. We also have a link for anyone who would like to join our Army of Angels with a recurring monthly contribution. 100% goes straight through to those in need. I usually contribute 2x or 3x what contributions we get (they are not much) but right now I can't do that. We need help.
Please pray and help as you can.
Thanks in advance for your attention and support.
Mark-Emery: B. - Minister World Mission Church
Will we see you next Saturday morning?
Enjoy the replay and have a blessed weekend~ !
Mark |