Subject: Screw Black Friday!

Hey Friend
Why is the whole world clamoring to go to the dark side?  Greed?  Commercialism?  Babylonian brainwashing for consumers to rack up more debt buying junk that they'll forget they even have a year from now and the bankers are the only winners?  What's up with that?

We have a solution.  We're starting a new trend. a new wave to take over the earth and we're changing Black Friday to ...
We are the Chosen Ones, the Light Workers, Carriers of the Light, the Truth, the Power and the Authority.  Where we go our Light shines and eliminates the darkness, destroys the shadows, exposes the lies and deception.  Every day is our 'White Day' and we celebrate it! 

On our 'White Friday' we celebrate the truth, the law, the authority God has given us.  We celebrate our ability to overturn the tables of the money changers, defrock the imposters claiming to be authorities and running roughshod over the people, the thieves pretending to be 'bankers', the demons dressed in black robes, the highway robbers using badges to defraud and imprison the honest hardworking people and business owners just trying to support their families the legislators serving the evil empire creating traps for the people to fall into.  

On White Friday we celebrate knowledge, empowerment, people power, God's blessings, special insights and knowledge, secrets uncovered and the rising tide of truth and justice.  
And Here's One Way We Celebrate!

- A $500 scholarship to Full Lifetime membership of the Lighthouse Law Club.  What was $1495 is, for this week only from now until midnight PST Dec. 1st is only $995. 

-  Add to that $500 scholarship, a Free $395 membership to the MMG Capital Private Member Association.  We're now up to $895 in celebration savings!

-  Add to that, a free subscription to the NATF Debt Elimination program normally $495 and you now have $1390 in White Friday celebration savings! 

Your value and savings of $1390 is now more than the $995 investment in your future.

Compare that to the value of being; 
  1. free from the IRS 
  2. free from credit card debt
  3. free from mortgage debt
  4. free trom the court system i.e. tickets, citations, summons etc. 
  5. free from BAR association extortion racket
  6. free from abusive Babylonian officials & pharisees
  7. the list goes on.  
What's that worth? 

Nowhere will you find more legal ammunition and empowerment of knowledge on truth, law, economic freedom and righteousness to protect and enhance your future than with this WHITE FRIDAY celebration!  

This once in a lifetime offer ends Sunday night.

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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