Subject: Save the nation!

Hello Friend, 

Have you ever asked yourself: 'why are big corporate box stores allowed to stay open when mom and pop main street businesses, which are are lifeblood of America, are not?" 

How about this one:  "Why are some businesses being allowed to open but only subject to ridiculous restrictions which assures that they won't stay in business very long? "  

"Why are they threatening people with huge fines and/or jail time for not following 'guidelines' which are not even enforceable law?"

"Why is anybody listening to these tyrants when they don't have the force of law behind them?"

...and we could go on but here's the cold,hard truth: 

Communist tyrants disguised as American democrats are committed to the downfall of America and the American dream.  They don't want you to be independent and be able to support yourself.  They want total control, total subjugation, total 'top-down' state control of all assets and all life.  

Say whatever you want but that's the bottom line.  And if you think that if you only 'comply' you'll be left alone, you have another thing coming!  

If we don't stand up and fight now, there is no 'second chance'.  We're done!   


We want to see ALL BUSINESSES stay open and we're prepared to support the effort to make this happen.  

The N.A.T.F. has just added some resources to help you (yes you!) in this fight.  Whether you are a business owner or not, those businesses support your lifestyle and represent 'our' freedom.  So this affects EVERYONE! 

We ask you do do the following to help save this country; 

1.  Go to the website and click on 'Resources' and review what we have for you there.  (you won't find it using Firefox browser.  Use Chrome or another browser to get the navigational menu on top until we get this fixed) 

2.  Then go to the Join page and see how we might work together to save the country.  There are many simple things you could do to help which don't involve money!  (but if money is an issue for you, see below...)

3.  Share this resource page with everyone you know, especially those who are business owners or employees for small businesses or who are simply concerned about living under tyranny. 

The Attack on the Economy is an Attack
on Individual Self Reliance

In our effort to save 'Self Reliance' we're teaching people how to make money on their own with nothing more than their cell phone trading the markets and other ways of making money work for them instead of everyone working too damned hard for not enough money.  Learn More

So Friend, can we count on you to do your part?  It doesn't need to be much but if everyone does something, we can save our country and the world from this planned communist takeover.  

I know I'll have scoffers deriding me for that comment.   If I'm wrong, what have we lost?   If I'm right and you allow evil to win.... we've lost everything.  

Choose your side.

That's all for today. 

Over and out. 

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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