Subject: Reminder - Web Conference Tonight

Web Conference Tonight

Hi Friend,

We start in an hour. 

Last week our room was full and a number of folks were not able to log in.  In order to keep our conversations fully interactive in 'Meeting Mode' our room capacity is limited to only 30 which means you have a choice:   Log in early to get your spot so you can participate, or wait for the recording the following day where you can listen at your leisure.

We do have an alternative and that is to have the meeting in 'Webinar' mode with unlimited attendance but would limit us to 'listen only' with interaction by text chat only and not full audio.  Circumstances may lead us to this option in the future depending on demand for attendance.

So if you get blocked out of a full room and would prefer to do this in 'Webinar' mode with unlimited attendance and text chat, let me know with a reply to this email so I can gauge the need.

Last week I discussed 'The Fundamentals of Freedom' and some simple things you can do to drop off the radar. We covered a lot of ground.

Tonight, I'll start the discussion with some concepts on how to live 'outside the system'.  

I also have a big announcement to make which will help many non-members become members of the Lighthouse Law Club which will ease the financial strain. 

From there we'll pick up with your input, comments and questions on that or other topics you'd like to get into, so come prepared to contribute.

I expect a lively discussion so I hope you can make it!

For best functionality of this conference system, you are advised to log in via computer using Chrome browser (preferable) or Firefox.  Check that your firewalls won't interfere and that you have a good internet connection.   If you wish to speak, we ask that you unmute yourself ONLY if you are in a quiet place without a lot of background noise. If you have background noise, please only use the text chat function. Following these guidelines will give you a better experience and make it a better call for everyone. 

Thanks in advance and I hope to speak with you tonight.  Log in details below. 

Tonight 9:00 P.M. EST, 8:00 CST, 6:00 PST  
Log in early because we start on time.

Audience Log-in URL:

Dial-in Number:    323-920-0091

Attendee PIN:       408 6263#

Invite a friend.   Everyone is welcome.   See you tonight! 

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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