Hey Friend,
Just wondering if you had time to download 'The App' yet? To be clear, you just go to 'Google Play' for Android phones, or 'The App Store' for iPhones and search for 'My Liberty' App. You'll see how the icon appears in the graphic below with the statue of liberty.
Just download it quick and let me know if it's working fine and your thoughts, comments and questions are welcome with a reply to this email.
Thanks a bunch!
If you missed my original message yesterday I've included it below.
I told you I was going to be busy on 'stuff' the rest of this month, right? Well this is one project of many I have on the plate.
I'd like to ask for your help in a Beta test of the new law club App I've recently created using the Mobile App Builder offered by OneLife (OneCoin).
Before I put this out to the public it would be a huge help if you could download this to your smartphone and check it for functionality to make sure it's working properly. So far, we've identified a glitch in a case or two and I need a little broader sample to get a good guage on it, so I'm putting this out to you and the law club members before we go public with this.
If you find any issues please make note of ALL the details and give us a complete profile on what you're doing, what kind of phone you have, what you tried, what happened and what you saw, what it did, etc. Then I can get back to the techies with your report and hopefully get it humming!
By the way, this will be one of several tools you'll be able to use to get your piece of the new monthly Bonus Pool. We've already had a couple of folks come in on the new Commando membership already.
How else does this benefit you?
Aside from what I already mentioned above, I expect this app to go viral worldwide and bring people, knowledge and power to the law club which we all will benefit from! Think of the synergy we can create! Think BIG!