Subject: Relax, Enjoy, Learn!

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Relax, Enjoy & Learn!

Hey Friend!

There are some joys in life that require us to just slow down, put everything else aside, and take the time to enjoy.

And wouldn't you know it?!  It just so happens that I have a suggestion for you!  Amazing!

Grab your favorite beverage, sit back in your recliner or hammock, put your feet up and just pick away at any one of the three books I've published.  And when you've finished a chapter just put your head back and take a nap!  

Get the hard copy and get off the computer.  You can stuff it in your backpack, go out into the woods, the desert, the lake, the park or climb the mountain and escape the rat race and sit down and immerse yourself in some adventures that you'll learn a few things from.

As the warm summer breezes start coming in, what better scenario could you imagine?

If you haven't read them yet, this needs to be on your 'Bucket List'.  When you have read them, PLEASE leave a review with a couple of your 'takeaways'.  I'm not looking for accolades but I would like to know how the books impacted you, because I know they will. Your comments on the Amazon review page will help promote the book to others who need to know about it.

Ha!  I just noticed that Amazon now has Ai summarizing the reviews other people leave on each book which is interesting.   Here's the Ai summary of reviews on ONE FREEMAN'S WAR.  Click the image to read more:
Customer Reviews 4.7 out of 5

I'm really pushing to get at least 100 reviews on each book and get some more current ones posted. Amazingly, it's now almost 10 years since this was first published.  These books represent the truth you are fighting for and now is the time to get the evidence others are demanding and help spread the word.  Victory is ours.  I can smell it!  Will you help?

"In this great book by Mark Emery, he'll open your eyes to your own slavery and give you the keys to unlock the prison in one fell swoop." 
- Jeff Berwick,

"Mark Emery has laid out the formula. He is the living example of it. This is that rare knowledge...known by only a few on this planet. By studying this knowledge and putting it into one of the surest ways to create a life of true freedom and happiness."
- Taansen Fairmont,

"What a delight to read. Mark Emery ...personally captures the spirit of American Liberty. If you were looking for hope, here it is." 
-Christopher Gronski - Freedom Consultant,

"I started reading it and I couldn't put it down!" - David E. Robinson - author THE UCC CONNECTION - HOW TO FREE YOURSELF FROM LEGAL TYRANNY

Amazing outstanding, jaw dropping. Astonished. I knew there was something inside of that. I wanted to be free of the satanic, poison.

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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