Subject: Rebuilding the New World

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Friend the world as we knew it is literally crumbling around us.
...and would you believe, that might actually be a good thing?
Hi Friend,

You undoubtedly see the evil, the corruption, the devastation that is being wrought upon the people of this world.   We are under attack by a 'death cult' seeking to reduce the population of the world by a majority.  If that seems extreme to you, then you're not paying very close attention. 

It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that faith and confidence in our institutions is all but gone for all but the Kool-Aid drinkers.  I could name them all but you already know the score. 

The fact is, that in order for us to build and create the world that we all want to live in, the current structure must burn and fall before we can start anew.  The ironic thing is (and it's very ironic) that those who are most intent on destroying all that we value as good in this world are the very same Kool-Aid drinkers who are taking the extermination injection. Could there ever be a better use of the term 'Poetic Justice'? 

Logic tells you that those who will be left will be the sane ones who actually have a clue and we'll be the ones rebuilding the new world.   But we're going to have to survive the hell that's coming upon us first, so get ready for all contingencies. Mike's podcast explains in detail below. 

I want to share a podcast by Mike Adams with you which, in my mind, is the most important message you can hear this year.  You MUST take the time to listen all the way to the end.  If you don't know Mike Adams, he is a very level headed, very successful food scientist who runs his own lab and natural nutrition business and is otherwise known as THE HEALTH RANGER of and he founded BRIGHTEON.COM. When he speaks of something, it's because he has good reason to.  

Click the image below to listen to his extremely powerful and insightful Emergency Message.   Your life may depend on it, seriously!  For a quick article summary click here.

I will be following this message up with help, direction and possible solutions so watch for future emails from me. 
PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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