Hello Friend
I sincerely hope that the new year is living up to it's promise of hope and renewal for you. I would love to be a part of that process and walk with you in your freedom quest!
By now you should have your own copy of HOW I BEAT SATAN...and the I.R.S. Being that it is really a quick read (only 70 pages and lots of page space!) I'd like to think that you've gotten through it and have been pondering which of the several approaches offered in the book, you'd like to apply for your own benefit. (If you don't have a copy, see the link in #2 below...)
As you know, I'm on a mission. That mission is to push truth, law and liberty right back in the face of tyranny, evil and corruption and I have no qualms about it.
I need your help. Here are 2 small things you can do to contribute and make a difference.
#1... Go to Amazon and post a quick review. Just a couple of comments about why you think others should read the book to give a little encouragement. Beyond that, Amazon is a search engine just like Google. The more reviews that are there, the more it feeds the Amazon algorithms and it displays the book that much more to give it more exposure. Here is the link. Click Here #2...Give the free book link away to your friends and associates & post it in social media with your comments. Here's the link: Click Here
If we can get this going viral, think about the positive impact this could have to loosen the grip of control that tyranny has with the iron first of the I.R.S. !
Lastly, you HAVE to read this article! It explains so much about that 'iron fist of control' and how the tyrants are starting to lose that grip! My mentality is to put the pedal to the metal and we can do our part by simply 'sharing the good news' as I mentioned n #1 & #2 above.
Thanks so much for being a part of this! I look forward to seeing your 'review' on Amazon!