I think the Non-UCC Claims Advanced Training Library is looking pretty good right now. Thanks for all your help.
Here are just a few points to consider, which I'd like your feedback on;
1... Do you have any ideas on how we can make it better? They are always welcome
2... Thanks Misty for hanging in there on the call transcripts. They are great and very important. I think it would be good to have another volunteer to work with Misty to either be;
a) a backup for Misty whenever she needs a break, or
b) share the calls so she and 1 other person can each have 1 call per week to simply clean up the transcripts which are already created. And one can cover for the other whenever needed. The best case is to listen to the calls and verify the accuracy and content of the transcript which is done and perhaps clean it up a bit removing unnecessary clutter.
So please let me know if you'd like to volunteer to help in this way, and I'll coordinate.
3...Re: current study of the forms: Anything that you've learned in the study of the various forms, relating to our last assignments, would be welcome.
4...I don't think there's any need to continue with the meetings at this point. You can make better use of your time.
Of course, there are always new projects to consider. One I'm looking at hard right now is how we could function in creating our own jural society. If you have any thoughts or experience on that, let me know. In the meantime I'll be researching it further and we'll be discussing on Mondays.
Thanks so much for your contributions! This is what makes the club work!
Hasta Pronto!