Subject: New Forum to Unite Freedom Lovers

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New Forum
for Freedom Lovers
Hi Friend,

The brand new 'Forum for Freedom Lovers' is now open and accepting private members.  Membership is free and all who are sincere about gathering to share and empower each other to defend our God-given rights are welcome.

This is technically the Private Membership Association (P.M.A.) for N.A.T.F. who is the sponsor and organizer.   We invite all other groups to participate and share your knowledge, insights, successes, ideas and strategies to defend and protect our constitutionally protected, God-given rights, and more.  We surely have plenty to share with you!  We need to work together to overcome the evil that is upon us! 

We particularly welcome our brothers and sisters in Australia, the U.K., Denmark, Germany, Canada and elsewhere as we develop international chapters around the globe. 

So go!  Join.  Browse the Forum and leave some comments on the way out.   Your input is important!

See you there!


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PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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