Hello Friend,
I was just reminded that we're on schedule for a meeting tonight. I don't know about you but I'm still on Holiday mode. I've been working behind the scenes to some degree and just touched base today with David Olek, our chairman for the first time in several weeks. Suffice it to say that it doesn't appear that we're that prepared to have a productive meeting tonight.
Let's plan to meet next week on Jan. 04.
If you've had any activity you'd like to report or discuss, please reply to me from this email. I haven't heard any more from our Legal Team on an email I sent last week on procedure for handling requests for help. I'd like to see some comments on that.
Paul, how you doing on your affidavit for Whitmer?
Karen, I hope the email list is up to date with new volunteer requests.
David, waiting on the draft of the agreement you're working on.
We can talk anytime but let's plan for next week for our next meeting. In the meantime see what you can do to promote the NATF and help get some local chapters going.
Thanks in advance!
Mark |