Subject: NATF Equity Group: Disregard last email

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New Information! 
Hey Friend, 
I pulled the trigger a little too early on that last email: 'Equity Group Message #1'.  There is more information to go with that to be accurate and correct.  Here it is.

Regarding the stamps you can't just go to the site and get them, there are steps you need to follow:

  1. Email and address it to Tim. 
  2. Tell Tim you need an equity signature stamp and the other stamps you mention below.
  3. Tim will tell them to create an account. This is done by clicking on the "login" button on the top right of the website and registering a new account. 
  4. Tim will ask them to submit a scan of their signature per the following:
    1. Write your signature 3 times on a piece of blank white paper in black ink
    2. scan that document and email it to Tim
  5. Tim will approve the signature and then you can go into your account and order all the stamps.

He provides pretty detailed instructions after the first email. But just going onto the site and trying to order stamps will NOT get you the right stamps.

Sorry for the confusion and any inconvenience.  We're all anxious to get moving but let this be a lesson to take measured and sure steps.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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