Subject: Members Only Invitation

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
Thriving in Chaos
Hi Friend

Real Quick, I wanted to share a unique, potentially lifesaving opportunity with you.  This is not hype.  You'll see for yourself. 

As you know, the global (and local) economy is spiraling out of control and if you know what's going on, you know that the worst is yet to come.   If this is news to you then you need to do some catching up. It's probably too late for you but you can Click Here to see the future.  

Fast forward:  What would you think if....
  • You could make huge profits from the coming crash while the rest of the world is going in the tank? 
  • Someone presented you with a 'no risk' investment that guaranteed your investment with a collateralized guarantee?
  • Someone presented you with the same collateralized guarantee on double digit monthly profits? 

I've travelled the world seeking such unique results and top performers.  The video below shows a sample of some of my travels just as an 'off point' aside.

But here's the main point: 

I'd like to extend an invitation to a select few to find out more about this unheard of opportunity, but the invitation is only to members of the NATF VIP Supporters Channel in the NATF Forum and/or the CSN Resource Center found in the same forum.  Both of these are found at 

If you are already a member, just log in and see the recent thread on this topic:  Survive the Crash! 

Do you have a plan ?  This is certainly a good option to consider. 

I hope this helps. 

MMG Financial Services LLC
PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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