Special Edition: Major Announcement!
Hi Friend,
Activity, growth and development are getting to the point where I can't hardly fit it all into one weekly newsletter, so be prepared to stay abreast of Special Announcements like this one and keep up with us, OK?
I have a major announcement to make and I want to get it out today so you have the weekend to digest it and we can discuss it further on Monday's web conference.
This announcement is the result of some creative problem solving, enhancing the member benefits and options which we continue to do and responding the needs of our members which are often very common amongst us.
So, let me give you the news first, and then we can cover a little detail in support.
 | New Membership Structure
Two New Membership Options - for new members
This doesn't affect you. Your membership will stay exactly as it is (or better as you will see). This affects new members joining from this point forward.
We have created the Pathfinder membership package as a base plan for those who are perhaps just being awakened, or maybe already awake and are just wanting to get started organizing themselves and moving forward in an orderly structured fashion. This membership will take them step by step through a strategic planning and educational journey which will set them up on solid ground when they are ready to move to the next level. This is affordable to everyone and is designed to appeal to most everyone interested in this genre of activity.
Next, we have the Constitutional Commando membership package. This is the 'elite' benefits package (which you have already). We have moved the price point quite a bit higher to better reflect the true value of what we have here and this is also designed to attract those who are more capable and serious about what they want to accomplish. As always, we're only interested in serious members as opposed to arm chair quarterbacks who never get off the sofa and do anything.
You can review the complete details on the newly designed Mastermind Group web page. Click Here
| |  | Here's how you will benefit!
#1... It's no secret that many, if not most, people who have been living under the yoke of tyranny these past years as we have, are very limited financially. That includes many of our members and quite possibly 'you'!
We now have a financial benefit and incentive for you to recommend the law club to others. Let me bring your attention to the 'Spoils of Victory' Bonus Pool program, now in effect, which you'll find on the bottom of the Mastermind Group page. Look it over closely.
Looking at the preliminary results of the member survey, 99.5% of all members are 'Very Pleased' with what we have here (despite our warts). So then, it's only logical for us to share the good news and spread freedom and empowerment as far and wide as we can.
As an organization, we're very, very small and need to grow if we're going to have any real impact. We don't have an advertising budget. We don't do any paid advertising. We need to achieve a critical mass of committed serious members who are actively engaged in defending freedom and achieving peace and prosperity. We haven't done that yet. We all need to pitch in and contribute to growth and how better to do it than by the people who have first hand experience in the club? We're on the path with your help and we've done what we can to make it worth your while!
I'll be developing some nice tools to help you with that.
#2... We are also discovering from the initial survey results that many people need a structured, step by step program which is what the PathFinders Mastermind Group offers.
You'll be included in the Pathfinders and will be receiving a separate weekly training program by email, as a part of the PathFinders group. This is an additional benefit for you at no additional cost. This will basically be the information you already have access to, presented in a sequence with emphasis on various elements and aspects which might be helpful in organizing your thoughts, plans and activity.
#3... If you haven't completed our Member Satisfaction Survey yet, here is your chance to do so now. It'll only take about 5 minutes. Thanks in advance!
| | | I'll look forward to talking with you on Monday! Let me know your thoughts if you want to give a quick reply to this email.
Watch your email Monday for the log in details for the web conference.
Yours in Freedom!