Hello Friend
You realize of course that we create the world we live in from our thoughts, our prayers and what we focus on the most. Our creative energies send out a frequency into the universe which responds in kind with manifest reality. Look up 'The mirror principle' or 'The Christ Letters' to learn more on this fascinating topic.
With that in mind, let's not focus on all the bad news we're hearing. Let's focus on the joy and love we have to share with others who desperately need it. Let's create love and joy where there is none right now and this alone can change our own world.
This is the purpose of THE VENEZUELA PROJECT. I just uploaded a new video mainly to share with our supporters to give you an update and show how your support is doing just that, bringing love and joy to those in desperate straights.
For those new on the scene, this will also be a great introduction to one avenue you can help by contributing some joy and peace in this difficult world.
We only have about 25 monthly supporters but you have been loyal and steadfast month in and month out. Over the last couple of years we've been able to raise over $100,000 for food and medicine and that figure has been matched by about 3:1 from other business activities. But it's a drop in the bucket of what we could or should be doing overall. So let's all push for more kind hearted souls to help spread the love. You can do that by sharing this video.
Leave your comments below the video. I'd like to know your thoughts.
Thank you so much supporters. You ARE making a big difference in peoples' lives! |