We are about to move to the next level. This level taps into global forces and spiritual energy from other dimensions. Compare that to the local statutes you’ve been struggling with. That’s a pretty stark contrast.
Just as you have been learning in this adventure so have I. More than learning, I feel like I’m being empowered more and more with wisdom, discernment and divine guidance as some very huge and powerful doors are opening before me which lead me into some hidden if not secret realms. Key people are being put in my path to complement each other for what is clearly a defined plan. Today I can only scratch at the surface of those but we need to get started with the conversation.
What I have to share today is not to be for everybody. Some will be offended. Some will scoff. Others will simply shrug it off as folly. Those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see, will. Those who don’t, won't. So be it.
Please indulge me the opportunity to just provide a little backdrop which will give context to this project which has global implications and more.
You are aware of many, many efforts by various groups to: separate from the globalist control systems, indigenous groups wanting to establish sovereignty, jural societies, efforts to restore the republic, occupy the vacant seats of the organic government, etc. etc.
Let me tell you flat out that each and every one of these efforts will fail. Why? Three Key reasons;
The world is lost and no political solution is even possible. The majority of people are so far gone mentally, intellectually and spiritually that good sense and reason are little more than good seeds spilled on barren rock. It just is not even possible to have any form of political solution.
Man made solutions attempted by groups which are a mixed bag of spiritual inclinations are doomed. The Tower of Babel was destroyed because it was not a work of, by and for God. It was a feeble attempt by man to glorify himself and was without God. These efforts we see today are the similar. They are not God centered. He comes as an afterthought if HIS name arises at all, for some.
Satan is consolidating his power over this earth through the institutions which are in place. These institutions will never allow a group of its sheep to leave the corral for very long. As soon as the rebellious sheep come back and start knocking on the door seeking recognition, approval and co-existence, that door will be slammed shut, at best.
As you know, I’ve poured my soul into trying to arm people with the legal knowledge to defend themselves properly in the quest to live a free life. You have done the same with your work. I have come to the conclusion that this effort is ultimately fruitless without divine protection and purpose. Corruption is so rampant and out in the open that a single man or woman standing up against the beast in his own system is little more than an invitation to trouble. There are better ways IMO.
There is only one solution… God. We cannot help ourselves. We need God and all the signs and wonders of the times are shouting this message from every corner loud and clear without equivocation.
This brings us to ‘the project’. World Mission Church is a God centered trust created to establish a global network of local Ecclesia. The Ecclesia consists of people who share the same faith and love for Jesus (please don’t confuse this with ‘religion’) and are bound and determined to not only ‘Come Out of Babylon’ but also to serve each other in the Ecclesia whereby we have a local, national and international support group to provide us with everything we need to live ‘apart’ in accordance with our Divine Destiny which is ‘without citizen slave status’ to the world corporate governments. Yet by their own covenants they are bound to protect us in our beliefs and way of life.
In essence we are building/organizing our own decentralized Kingdom of Heaven to take care of our own people. This is done based on the teachings of Jesus with all glory to HIM. Yes, it is exclusive. People must commit to live by our creed and share our faith, or they are simply not invited. We will accept people who share our values and beliefs into the ecclesia while still ministering to the entire world who needs us and won’t that be a joy!
Let me stop right here. My invitation to you is to review the attached overview and spend some time on the new website at http://worldmissions.world and let me know if you’d like to be involved in this project. There is much to do. We are establishing our own government of sorts to take care of our own people and the tasks will be endless, but focused and compartmentalized. Our authority is biblical and cannot be contested. The world will be obliged to respect us by virtue of international treaties of their own making which should quickly eliminate the need for any disagreements with local revenue officers and the statutory requirements of Babylon.
There are many opportunities to contribute skill, talents and ideas to the development of this project. We need volunteers and invite your participation.
The efforts right now are various but tops on the list is to assemble a core team to help carry this forward, build the ramparts and organize the ‘Kings Men’ into a formidable force for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration and I look forward to your response.
If, after reviewing
the website in some detail, and
this introductory overview which goes into a little more detail. you wish to be involved in some small or BIG way,
Click Here and tell us a little about yourself and how you feel about a few things. We’ll then be in touch.
P.S. There is no cost involved for any level of participation. God will provide for our needs as he always does.