Subject: Lighthouse Law - Black Friday Event

Special offer
Now is the Time! 
Hey  Friend !
How have you been doing?  What do you think of global communism barging in your front door to strip you of your rights and freedoms? 

I know for a fact that many of our followers have been itching to join the Lighthouse Law Club but with the economic stresses imposed on us by globalism and the manipulations of the free market system by those who seek to destroy the USA with all that it stands for, the one-time, lifetime membership fee of $1950 has been holding them back.  

if you fall into that category or perhaps have just had enough and want to arm yourself with the knowledge and support to be able to defend your God-given rights to preserve your future and your family, then I have good news for you. 

We're offering the Full Membership to Lighthouse Law Club at a 54% discount this weekend only.  That's a savings of a whopping  $1000!  

Go take a look at some of the benefits here 

Once you gain knowledge, nobody can ever take that away from you!    This is a one time investment for a lifetime of benefits.  What is your freedom worth?

The full member lifetime benefit package is normally offered at $1950 which is a huge bargain in itself.  

This weekend, until 12:00 midnight Pacific (PST) time you can take off $1000 and join us for only $950.  And yes, we can accept cryptocurrencies.  You will have to contact us with what you have to get the correct wallet address.  Do that through the contact page on the website. 

This is your opportunity. for empowerment. 

I hope you can benefit!  

Until next time.... 

Yours in freedom, 


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PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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