Hi Friend
The battle for control of this world is being fought against the powers and principalities of darkness and that is largely on the spiritual plane. Come. Engage. Build up your strength, power and connection to your source of energy in our Lord and Saviour Jesus.
Join us for a prayer and worship session where we continually learn to gain the strength to be victorious over evil.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Jul 18, 2020 09:00 AM Central Time 10 AM Eastern (US and Canada)
Every week on Sat, until Aug 22, 2020, 6 occurrence(s) Jul 18, 2020 09:00 AM Jul 25, 2020 09:00 AM Aug 1, 2020 09:00 AM Aug 8, 2020 09:00 AM Aug 15, 2020 09:00 AM Aug 22, 2020 09:00 AM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly: https://zoom.us/webinar/tJcvfu2urT4qE9ERRNW8rnLv1GmToubk1JvA/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCrrDIuHNeQsBCCRowqAIr4LO7ztiVfj_p4ri3LNHhBbC_gZ8VPBr1qEtOB Topic: World Mission Church
Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/93294635095
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