Hello Friend
I hope you are doing well. Today I have a very personal message for you. I hope you take it in the spirit that it is intended.
I am fully cognizant of the fact that we are not all on the same page as it relates to spiritual development. That is a very personal and individual journey that we all must take on our own.
Given that, there has never been a more appropriate time in world history to do some real, honest soul searching to get our own house in order. World events are descending upon us whether we like it or not. We need to be ready.
With that in mind I'd like to share a short video presentation with an important message for us all to consider along those lines. You will do well to take in the message, ponder it, pray over it and let your spirit lead you from there.
I offer it in love and care for your wellbeing.
I hope it helps.