Subject: Important - Various

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
In Prayer for God's Creation
Hello Friend,

Before I mention anything, my heart is so heavy right now for all those who are suffering at the hands of evil;  hurricane Helene is only the most recent horrific event among many.  Let us all pray right now for those who are suffering from the hurricane(s), the children held captive in cages, the unborn being ripped to pieces, the victims of sorcery in the courtrooms, those being trafficked by depraved anti-human entities and all who suffer spiritual attacks on health, finances, relationships and more.  Lord Jesus with all glory to your name above all names, have mercy on us all and give these victims and all of us, relief, peace, consolation and comfort that only you can bring.  For the rest of us, give us your protection and the spirit of empathy moving us to action to help others when and where we can.  We demand and decree justice against all evil in the name of Jesus.  We have faith in your promises, stand on your word and we thank you for victory. AMEN!  And so it shall be. 
Last Night - Escape the Economic Reset - 
Session #6 - Trusts Part II - Replay
In this session we examined how to properly manage a duly established private trust to rebuff any attempt to dismiss the trust structure or attach the assets. There are key principles to be aware of.

Don't miss!  Click the image below for the replay
The Word Below is of Paramount Importance
Your eternity is at stake.  It's long and you must listen to it in its entirety, even if in parts.  Whether you do or don't is up to you.  Trust me.  You need to hear it. 
PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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