Subject: Important Updates That Can Help

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
In Service to My Brothers and Sisters
Hello Friend

I’ve assembled a collection of important updates on our activities which will affect you in a positive way if you allow it.  This email has a ton of good information and links.  You might want to save it in a folder.  
Re.: Economic Round Table Discussions

These are important to be involved in. Replays and announcements of future sessions will now be done in the NATF Fireside Chats Patreon page. Free membership is now available if the VIP Membership for $39 doesn’t suit you. Go now and register one account or the other. 
Re: The New PCF World Relief Fund

This is an effort that everyone must be aware of if they have any interest in making ‘this’ world, and/or ‘their' world a better place. There are three groups that will benefit from this; Contributors, Ambassadors and Beneficiaries. In other words, everyone who engages can benefit in one way or another, if they so choose. We’ll be going in depth on the details in this week’s Fireside Chat on Wednesday Feb 14 which will be open to everyone. Again, the link to join will be in the Patreon page (above).  Read More on the PCF WRF
Re.: The NATF PMA  - New Member Benefit

Members of the NATF PMA, working on debt elimination now have an additional benefit. You will be invited every Wednesday to join in the NATF Fireside chats as all VIP members are. This will be your forum for personal guidance and support on a weekly basis. You’ll get email notices to join the Fireside chat. Read More. 
Re.: Endless Credit

A new course has been added to the 
Lighthouse Law Club Full Membership and 
we call it ‘Endless Credit’. (No additional cost) People ask us all the time how they can tap their cestui que vi trust at the US Treasury. This course is along those lines.  It is your avenue to master the money system which is based on ‘credit’, ‘debt’ and ‘negotiable instruments’. Learn this and you’ll be educating your banker and bill collector. Learn More. 
Re.: Valentine Gift for You!

Being a regular reader and fellow freedom seeker, understanding that we are falling on hard times I want to help make your life a little easier. I want to give you a FREE MEMBERSHIP to the NATF Business Club which will accelerate your progress towards financial independence.

 - This is a FREE BONUS to you when you:
enroll in any Lighthouse Law Club membership

 - Enroll in the NATF PMA. 

Re.: Answers on the Exit Babylon
YouTube channel

Make a note of the most recent video just announcing our new chat bot link under each video, there to answer any questions you have on the video you just watched or any others for that matter. I hope it helps. 
Please Note:  Seeking Retired Military spokesperson
We are looking for a retired military General or Colonel to be a spokesperson for The Pasterra Project.  Very limited duties required.  If you know anyone that fits the bill, please reply to this email. 
We are getting closer every day to the Apacolypse.  You need to be ready spiritually.  Our video Blog covers some fascinating and insightful lessons we all need to be 'up' on

See for yourself.  Check it out.
History, Law, Freedom, Adventure
If you don't have these books in your library you need to.  When you do, your eyes will be opened no matter how well informed you already are, and you'll be using them for reference on a regular basis.  Please, all readers, leave a comment on Amazon reviews when appropriate.  Learn More
PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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