Subject: Important Update - iPro Network

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Important Update
Hi Friend, 

There's a lot going on with iPro Network.  You don't want to fall behind on this special opportunity!  Be sure to keep up to speed.  You're only cheating yourself if you don't!

These are Things to Do and to Know...

You have an IPN website with a back office. Log in with your user name and password. Get your sponsor to go over this site with you and take notes. Be sure to look at the calendar section for webinars and meetings. The webinar registration for Wednesday’s updates can be downloaded at this site.
The FREE shopping app is for both smart phone and PC. It can be found at and you log in with the same user name and password

There is another informative site at which is a resource site with lots of information and instructional videos, etc. Click on GET UPDATES and you will get emails and text messages from the company.

We have a weekly newsletter that you need to be receiving. Go to and sign up by clicking the link in the center of the page in bright yellow.

Weekly phone calls for updates and marketing are done by our Team, The Cryptocurrency Group. Calls are each Monday and Thursday at 2:00 p.m. (Central Time) and the number is 319-527-3460.

A FREE Marketing system is available for our team at

Sizzle calls are available at these three numbers: (Kevin) 701-801-3097, 212-629-1818, 209-590-0699. (Listen before you use them.)

We have our own Youtube site with informative videos at :
We have a private Facebook page “ipronetwork” Just send a friend request to Bill Wynne or Dane Koller and ask to be included.

Get the Guidebook at and go through it to see what else is available.

Richard Marks has a good presentation at which he updates frequently.

Get Engaged!  


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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