Subject: Important Update - iPro Network

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Important Update
Hi Friend, 

Good things come to those who work hard and have patience to harvest their crop!

Here's an update I just got from Pat, my sponsor, which you'll want to make a note of...

The iPN coins have been trading for as high as 17 cents (with speculators on the open market) but one week from today, May 17th, the coin value will officially rise to 8 cents. So if you have been considering funding your account or bringing someone else on board, NOW is the tie to do it, because the 4-cent value will remain in place for one more week for anyone wishing to fund an account. Even if you have zero interest in participating in the marketing plan, you should consider this.
(See and Step One for all of the packages.)

Only a mere $153 will acquire 2,500 coins (half that many after 5/17). Now what if the value goes only to one buck?  That's a pretty nice hit! Furthermore, what if it goes to $1,000+ as Bitcoin did in four years (now over $1,750), which is the company's goal? That's $2.5 million!  Just for being in.
For those of you with funded accounts, here is where you check on your growth:

Have a great week!


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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