Hi Friend,
As you may be aware, the most important topic to most all of our members, by far, is 'Legal Status Correction' which ties into Settling All Claims > 'Do Not Detain' status > Debt 'management' and a whole lot more.
I'm very happy to report that we have a handful of dedicated members already working as 'Pioneers' (a term I much prefer over 'volunteers') to put together a proper analysis, presentation and step by step guide for all others to follow in this regard.
If you'd like to see our committee meeting report from Thursday night and get more in depth on what we are doing, and what you have to look forward to as a result of these efforts, then Click Here.
Currently, the information available, for example from Patrick on his program, is quite scattered and difficult to follow as it morphs from week to week. We will also be breaking down similar information aimed at the same goals and objectives, from other sources, like Anna Von Reitz and her team. One of our members just came back from an intensive live program from another source and had a glowing report with some fantastic results to show.
Needless to say, we have work to do to sift through this information and make it available to you in a presentable and 'doable' format.
For this reason, we would like to invite you to join us in this effort, if you can devote an hour on Thursday night and another hour or so at your leisure, during the week.
We'd be especially interested in your participation if you are following and implementing the teachings of Patrick, or others.
This is a focal point for all members and it's time we came together on this to make it work for everyone.
Click the link above to see the direction we're headed, and we'll talk more about this Monday night on the Members Web Conference.
Until then... have a great weekend!
Mark |