Subject: Important: Please Read

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Important Updates
Please give this your attention!
Hi Friend, 
There has been a lot going on lately with all the updates.  As a result we've been getting some of the same questions.   I want to clarify some things and bring your attention to others so you can get the most out of all that's going on and navigate your way around as easily as possible. 

Members Area Navigation 

The web platform we use reacts differently to different browsers.  We've had several members indicate that they logged in but couldn't find anything interactive or any menu. 

Here's the trick:  

In some browsers, Firefox for one, the menu doesn't appear automatically.  It is hidden.  You'll find it if you look for a small square box with 3 horizontal lines in it up in the upper left corner.  Click on this box and the menu will appear. 

If your screen prompts you to open or install 'Flash' click on it to open.  This is required to see the carousel of some recommended books.  We're going to update this carousel to include some of the books written by our members which you need to be aware of.  

In some cases, when you log in to the members area, the main public page appears again and it doesn't look like you've gone anywhere.  But you will notice one thing different.  In the far upper left top margin where the public page shows the 'Login' button, this now changes to a 'Members Area' link.  Click on Members Area and you'll be taken to the VIP Members area where you'll find all of the new information. 

Private Consultations 

A number of members have asked for this and how to arrange it.  Details have now been added in the Members Forum > Advanced Training & Services category > Private Consultations topic.  

This is used to arrange a time to speak to me personally about your issues, problems, plans or whatever is on your mind.  

Personal Assistance 

In view of the fact that I typically don't take on personal projects for a variety of reasons, and in view of the fact that the LLC is a self study, self help, program, I have made arrangements with one of our active members who is very astute in successfully attacking and destroying fraudulent cases brought by mercenary government operatives and their agents, (which are about all cases).   If you feel you need personal assistance with a particular case or situation you are dealing with, you'll find details on this in the 'Recommended Services' page on the new menu in the Members Area.  

A More Serious Member Base 

When we announced the new benefit program and the additional commitment we were asking of members, we knew we'd lose a good number of our 'fair weather' members and would find out who is more serious about this project.   And this is exactly what is happening.  

We've had far too many people join, looking for a quick fix, instant results, or somebody to solve their problem for them and it just doesn't work that way.   We all will be much more successful developing long lasting relationships with fewer people who are committed to making serious changes and advancements in their lives and being involved in this project for the long haul.  Time spent with 'fair weather friends' who come and go is time wasted for the most part.  

Personally, I'm honored to know you and if you plan on sticking with us, I can assure you, there is no better group to be associated with than the members who surround you in this effort.  What we have here is special.  And where we're going, is almost unbelievable to most people.  

Bottom line, we're looking for members who have the big picture in mind and a long term vision with the commitment to make a plan, stick to it, make it work and blaze some paths for others to follow.  

A  big emphasis is being placed on this to all new members who join.  So when you interact with anyone from now on, you can bet we share the vision and the commitment to make things work despite all the obstacles.  

Administration of PayPal Payments 

One problem we've had to deal with in PayPal, is an extraordinary number of paypal accounts which are bouncing the monthly dues payments due to insufficient funds.  

This is creating a significant commitment of time for admin to handle and should be completely unnecessary.  We ask that you please make the effort to ensure that this doesn't happen to your account. 

The way it's been working up to this point is that if PayPal doesn't get the payment this month, it rolls this month's payment over to next month's cycle and it attempts to collect $50 instead of the $25.  This has surprised and even angered some members. 

There is no need for this problem to occur.  If people are having cash flow problems, they need to get involved in one of our business opportunities.  Otherwise it's just negligence.  In either case there's no need for it to happen.

New Policy

Effective immediately, we will not allow payments to roll over to the next month and create an administrative bowl of spaghetti which we are then required to untangle.  

The new policy will be that if or when a payment bounces, member access will be immediately restricted until the matter is resolved.  

We feel that the member benefits far surpass the value being paid and we expect that those who can appreciate that, will do their part to keep things current.  

Thanks very much for your understanding and cooperation. 

New Training Videos

I'm working diligently on a new training video which will be an extension of last week's members web conference which was not recorded.  It will be something different and I feel, extremely valuable to many, if not all who give it their attention.   Watch for that in the next few days. 

I'm proud to be associated with you and I appreciate your input and participation. 

Let's go get 'em! 


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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