Subject: Important Karatbars Tips

This is an important 
precautionary measure!
Hi Friend,

As you know, Karatbars is growing very fast.  It's causing some heartburn in the support department.  You may have noticed that less than two weeks ago your KaratBit Exchange ID # now appears in your dashboard.  This is new.   If you've had any activity with any KCB or KBC or BTC in your KBit account, I urge you to go there and log in now to take a screenshot of the Dashboard showing the balances AND the user ID in the upper right corner all in one shot.  This is just prudent procedure to keep a personal record of your balances in the event that any odd 'glitch' might raise its ugly head.  Keep your balances documented in your own records for your own safety.   Any time you deal with support you need to give them as much straight, factual, documented information you can to help them along.  They are overwhelmed right now and this message is to help you do your part which will make life easier for all.  I hope that helps. 


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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