Subject: ICST: No Web Conference Tomorrow

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Inner Circle Success Team Update 

No Web Conference Tomorrow 
Hi  Friend ,

We'll be doing web conferences as the need arises and I see people advancing.  Otherwise, no sense in taking the time to go blah, blah, blah when that time could be used more productively in taking concrete action towards your goals. 

Right now, I've given you everything you need to start making some hay.  If you're not clear on anything go back and listen to the last recording I sent you and review existing materials.  

Last week I asked for only one thing:  contact me to discuss your plan.  I didn't hear from you so... 

Now, you may have noticed that you got another email from me today about the mentorship program and the blog post.  That email went out to my entire list of over 2500. 

As people respond to the mentorship program I will be assigning those mentorship program 'apprentices' to our Inner Circle Success Team members who are showing leadership through their action and success.   This means the apprentices be adding referrals to your team and helping you advance quicker to your goals. 

But if you don't qualify for those 'apprentices' because you're not doing much,  then you won't be getting any assigned to you and I'll have to assign them to someone else.  You have the inside edge right now.  Don't lose it!

Get busy and keep me posted.  

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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