Hey Friend ,
We live in some very serious times and the decisions and actions we make today can have some very serious consequences in our lives. With the Grant Program, we're not talking about 'get rich and have fun', 'drive fancy cars', 'travel and party on'!
We're talking about basic survivability in the days that lie ahead. Either you will continue to be a helpless subject slave and take whatever they dish out for you, (and it ain't nothin' nice) or you'll make up your mind to 'Do' (active verb) something about it.
Sadly, I've never heard from you on Skype to have a chat about your plan as I requested so I can only take that to mean that you're not really serious about working the Grant program as a means to accomplish your goals.
Maybe you have other means to accomplish your goals. I hope so and that's great. More power to you.
However, my experience tells me that most people who fail at things do so for; - lack of focus
- lack of discipline
- lack of proper mindset
- lack of direction & training
I can't do anything about the first two. But I can help with #3 and #4. Too many people have the 'employee' mentality and that has to change if you have any hope of success. See Robert Kyosaki's training on that.
And, most people need a structured program to follow and plug into. Left to their own devices, for lack of training and experience, they falter and fade away into the woodwork. That's what I'm seeing with many right now.
Here's what we're going to do about that. Read on....
First, I'm going to find out who is really serious and willing to follow a structured program to achieve success. This means that those who are not participating, will be deleted from our Inner circle list as the information being shared is not being applied anyway so the emails then just become clutter. Nobody needs clutter.
Secondly, we're going to have daily calls. Each morning we'll do a short 15 minute call at 9 AM CST to teach, train, share and motivate not only you, but also your new member referrals. So you have a regular sounding board and personal coach to work with on a daily basis to hone your skills and enhance your results. If you're unable to attend the live sessions, they'll be recorded so you can catch up later as your schedule allows.
Next, we're going to have minimum daily goals. If you are not advancing each and every day in some small way, you're falling behind and failing. Failure is not an option for success minded people. People who are not success minded, don't belong in this group.
OK Friend, so the first thing I'm going to do is to ask you one last time to contact me by Skype this week, before end of business on Friday so we can chat. Just look for me online. I'm here most of the time and when I'm not on my computer I have Skype on my phone.
If I don't hear from you, I'll take that as a lack of interest and a signal from you that you're too busy with other things and that'll be your request to be removed from our Inner Circle team. No problem.
Whatever you do, is fine with me. I wish you the best in any event.
Our success is not measured in the grant money you will receive, but in the numbers of people we can help to 'survive' what's coming and even think about some level of 'freedom' if that were possible. If you truly understand the globalist agenda, you know we're talking about 'life and death' issues here.
The bottom line is this: I'm very serious about what I do and the commitment I'm willing to make in 'our' success together.
The only question is: 'Are you?'
You've got to meet me halfway.
Have a great week!