Hello Friend
You are getting this email because of your participation in my iCharity training program.
As a follow up to yesterday, the brand new 'Crowd Rising' program is about to launch. There will be a 72 hour period for iCharity Club members to migrate over to Crowd Rising without having to make another donation, and to keep your referrals intact as they are now.
This program is going to make it's participants a lot of money. And we are in on the ground floor. Our upline are movers and shakers and that will bode well for us also in many ways.
I need to to know if you want to migrate to Crowd Rising in the 72 hour launch period.
But, let's be honest with each other. I only want to work with people who are committed to do whatever it takes to be successful and make this work. That means getting your first 5 in short order. 1 day to 1 week, it shouldn't take much more than that.
You've already seen my training on this and how simple it can be if you really apply yourself.
But if you don't see yourself really on fire to do this, then you'd be doing us both a favor by not pretending otherwise.
If you are serious about making money, I want to speak with you personally. Add me to your Skype contacts and look me up. If you don't have Skype, get it. It's free. Skype.com and get the free download. Once we're connected, ring me. I'm not going to chase people who aren't interested.
My Skype name is: donrex listed in Panama with the email hq@onefreemanswar.com
If you're serious, I'll see you on Skype and look forward to speaking with you on some important matters as we get ready to move forward. If not, no worries. We all have our own priorities and I understand completely.
Either way...
Many Blessings! |