From the Desk of Mark EmeryOn the battlefield for truth & freedom
The following is not medical advice or a recommendation but merely an account of my own personal experience.
Hello Friend
I can only hope that your Christmas break was as peaceful and enjoyable as mine was. I thank God for all of HIS blessings and for putting in our hands the tools and the power to defend ourselves from the evil that swirls around us every day.
Today I have some good news and some bad news for you. Let's start with the Good News!
In December I became seriously ill. ( that's not the good news,hold on). I was hit with a virus like I've never been hit before. My entire body was in pain. I had a cough like none other, Fever and headaches had me incapacitated. This for me was highly unusual and extreme. I have an immune system like an armored tank and very little ever gets through my armor. I usually get a cold at the turn of the seasonal weather (which is this time of year for us) but this was something else and was not the usual flu either.
I suspected the possibility of Covid but I simply and absolutely refuse, under any circumstances to EVER take the Covid PCR nasal swab test for reasons I hope you already know about. If not, you need to research this) Further, I have zero confidence in the establishment medical industry at this point as it relates to this subject. They are liars and promoters of death as far as I'm concerned.
So, having done my own research in advance on the work of Dr. Zelenko and others like him, I was prepared in advance and my medicine cabinet was stocked with what I needed. |
Zinc and Vitamins C & D are readily available and, as good fortune would have it, Ivermectin is cheap and readily available over the counter here in Panama. In the states not only is it NOT available but doctors and pharmacies are actively 'forbidden' to administer it. Imagine that!
The Good News! So I self-prescribed and self-administered recommended dosages and I was back to normal health and energy WITHIN 2 DAYS! No doctors or expensive treatments required. Why do you think the medical and pharmaceutical industries so vehemently suppress anything that 'cures' any illness? It's bad for business of course. Long term patients under 'treatment' are much preferred for the business model. In view of the information below I highly recommend that everyone reading this do what you can to be prepared in advance of having any need. If you wait until you need it, it'll be too late.
From what I've heard from others these are your options to source the necessary supplies:
- Locate any like minded truth promoting medical practitioner and ask for their guidance on how to source this. They may have ideas for you.
- You might remember Bo Gritz, retired high level Army Special Forces officer and presidential candidate who was involved in the negotiations to save Randy Weaver and his family during the Ruby Ridge fiasco. He wrote books, gave seminars and more in the freedom movement. He taught students to get most of your medicines from the farm supply or veterinarian supply stores. They're usually the same thing as the human version and much cheaper! Of course, be sure to do your research properly and make sure ingredients and dosages are appropriate. I understand that even today some vet stores will ask for a prescription from your vet. This should be easy by just telling him that in view of supply chain problems you want to stock up and not be caught short for your little doggie and you'd like to have some extra on hand 'just in case'.
- Mail order is always an option although I've heard that in some cases postal inspectors have seized such shipments. I would try a small order and if successful order more.
- This is the best option: Plan for a winter escape to Panama. The weather is beautiful right now. You can have lunch with me and I'll take you to the pharmacy where you can buy as much as you like.
Now, read the segment below to see the Bad News and why this is so important. |
| | | A new outbreak of COVID-19 is allegedly sweeping across China. Hospitals and morgues are overwhelmed, and even high-ranking CCP members are falling ill or dying. And amid the new outbreak, leaders of the Chinese regime opened international travel. The situation mirrors similar moves taken by the CCP at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, when it also restricted travel internally in China yet allowed travel externally.
Reports from Italy claim that half of the passengers on flights coming from China are testing positive for COVID-19. In response to reports like this, the Biden administration is requiring COVID tests for all passengers arriving from China. The questions now are whether the new outbreak is the same Omicron variant already seen in the United States or something new, and whether the responses are enough to stop it.
| | Natural Healing
NATF has several sections full of resources on Natural Healing and disease prevention which you will want to be aware of and have access to. It's jam packed with useful knowledge in the form of articles, videos, ebooks, pdfs etc. on a wide variety of topics all related to being more independent.
You'll find this info in the CSN Resources Center - Channel which you'll find in the NATF Forum at https://members.natf.world It's a wealth of info not only on this topic of natural health but many more important and useful topics. It's available for the equivalent of a cup of coffee ($5) per month. Check it out. I hope you can benefit. |
| | Truth seekers who want to be 'in the know' will never have the complete picture without adding these books to your library and heirloom. Read More... |