Hello Friend
I want to give you a special 'Heads up' on a limited offer I want to give you and put $100 in your pocket. The idea started with this:
I got 2 sad calls this week. They went like this;
Call #1: Hey Mark, I don't know if you can help me, but the IRS has levied my retirement account (illegal) and I'm barely surviving financially. Is there anything you can do?
Call #2: Hey Mark, I was challenging the IRS on an amount they say I owe. I was using (xyz) procedure. They just took $100,000 from my business account. Can you help me?
O.K. Look Friend. You know what these two callers have in common with you?
a) they're playing in the same sandbox as the I.R.S. and b) they thought it would never happen to them and they never took any preventative action.
Look at the result! Maybe you can tell but this just pisses me off! The fact that we have to deal with this crap, and the fact that people are generally so lazy they 'let' it happen!
It happens all over, every day. And now that we're in tax season, guess what? They have their radar on!
Now, I have gone to great lengths to not only secure my own position and personal lifestyle with great success, but I have bent over backwards trying to help others do the same with my training, books, videos, websites, personal time and more.
You know the reaction I get? Ho-Hum! Maybe later! Not now, I'm busy! And then I get the call after people just like you have been beaten, robbed, battered and bruised and left in the ditch. What do you expect me to do?
O.K. If that's the way it's going to be, I can't worry about it. People are responsible for their own lives and will get whatever they have created for themselves.
But on the chance that you might be one of those rare, pro-active, visionary types who is active in making a productive and successful life for yourself, I want to give you every reason to MOVE NOW and TAKE ACTION to protect yourself permanently from being another IRS Victim left broke in the ditch.
You may not have seen my new PT Defender Package which is all you need to rid yourself of the IRS forever.
Go have a look again, review the package in its entirety. Take advantage of a $100 discount offer which is good for this week only.
So that'll not only be $100 more in your pocket from the ridiculously low price of this package, but it'll be tens of thousands more in your pocket over time, which you'll be able to keep for your family and your life.
I've proven my concepts in my own life. I've put it all together for you so all you have to do is 'follow'. I've made it available and deliverable. I've made it ridiculously low cost and I've even reduced it some more for you to save you an extra $100.
That's the best I can do. I can't do any more! That's it! I'm done!
The rest is up to you.
Are you ready for tax season? Consider your options.
P.S. I've just revamped the website and reorganized the contents and added more content. Go have a look! www.onefreemanswar.com |