Subject: Good News! Take a look into your future!

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From the desk of Mark Emery
In search of truth, hope and empowerment
Hello Friend

All I'm going to say is this: 

Every human being on earth who is drawing a breath right now, needs to see this documentary.  You will see your future and the role you play in all of our futures.  You are here for a reason.  Find it. Find the truth and stand up to claim the power and authority that God has given you!  We are at the doorstep of freedom and enlightenment!
If you find the documentary fascinating (I'm sure you will) , as a follow up, you might like to learn about the 'White Spiritual Boy Accounts'.    Have a quick look but strap your jaw shut first. 

Then...Be sure to discover the prophetic words from our Lord as delivered to Julie Green on her channel in Rumble.  He is telling us the news before it's news so that we can recognize his hand at work in cleansing our world of the evil empire we live under.   You will be encouraged and uplifted by these messages.  
The books below have inspired some to change careers, others swear they have avoided jail and nearly all attest to the fact that, aside from the entertainment value, the guts and substance is rare information the bulk of which you won't find anywhere else and could easily be banned without notice due to the sensitive and insightful nature of the content.    Read More....
PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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