Hello Friend
You know, I consider myself pretty well informed and ahead of the curve in that respect. I am in touch with a lot of people on a daily basis and I get flooded with links to watch this video, that video and many others most of which I don't watch simply due to time constraints. I'm not a 'video pusher' because I know your time is also very valuable and you are probably seeing much of what I see on a daily basis anyway.
Having said that, I just saw a discussion between Steve Quayle and Paul Begley which knocked my socks off and I feel a strong need to share it with the people I care about. Yes you! This discussion covers a series of issues which affect us all. You can't walk away from this saying, 'that doesn't mean anything to me' because that would be untrue. Sure, you can intentionally choose to be willfully ignorant as many people do and are, but the information in this discussion is timely and pertinent to you and your future.
The discussion brings forward facts which are largely hidden from the public eye and exposes the 'behind the scenes' reality of the headlines and stories you hear on a daily basis.
If you are already well informed, this discussion ties it all together in a nice little package.
If you are not as well informed as you could be, you need to be and this will help get you there.
What makes this discussion 'Different' is that it provides you with the ONLY solution and plan of action to save yourself in the end.
Watch it in its entirety if you want the truth of what's going on in this world and if you want to know 'the antidote'.
And for follow up they discuss a powerful online webinar you should attend to get all the facts from a long list of qualified experts and have them at your fingertips. Here is the link to 'EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS'
To be Forewarned is to be Forearmed! Those who don't have a clue (most people) simply won't have a chance.
I trust you will benefit from this knowledge and be in a position to help others as well.
Many Blessings,