Subject: Freedom from the Surveillance State

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  Real Freedom Requires Freedom from Spying 

Hi Friend,

Totalitarian regimes seek total control over their citizens;  Control of finances, control of travel and locations, control of work (or 'not' as the case may be), control over prices and the economy, control of your income through taxation, control of your life through required forms and 'voluntary' disclosures, total subjection through contracts enforced in the courts, control of behavior so in the end the regime eliminates opposition and enjoys unified political and economic support.  Dissenters are 'removed' from society. 

The Guardian has recently written, "China has blocked millions of “discredited” travellers from buying plane or train tickets as part of the country’s controversial “social credit” system aimed at improving the behaviour of citizens."  23 million Chinese cannot travel because they didn't behave in a way approved by the Godless communist regime they live under.  According to the National Public Credit Information Centre, Chinese courts banned would-be travellers from buying flights 17.5 million times by the end of 2018. Citizens placed on black lists for social credit offences were prevented from buying train tickets 5.5 million times. The report released last week said: “Once discredited, limited everywhere”.

If you are appalled by that then don't even think about looking into what they do with the 'organ harvesting' industry there.  You'll have nightmares.

How do they accomplish this control?  They have installed an A.I. multi-faceted surveillance network to monitor their entire population.  Perhaps you've heard of the 5G network now being installed worldwide?!  Hmmm.

So now you're thinking, 'Those poor Chinese people...' and  most people saying this are completely oblivious to the fact that they are in the exact same position of exposure right in their own home town thinking nothing about their own vulnerabilities such as; 

- voluntary disclosures and submissions of tax forms
- voluntary disclosures on social media
- vehicle registrations
- receiving mail at a known 'residential' address
- applying for licenses
- receiving a corporate or government paycheck or benefit
- doing all your business, saving and investing at the local bank or broker
- doing all your business in your own name. 
- owning, registering and paying taxes on your property registered or recorded in public institutions.
- going to a government approved and controlled church?
- using electronics with microphones and video cameras which can be turned on remotely and which can be used to track not only our locations and contacts, friends and family  but also our finances and transactions, passwords and much more!  

...and I could go on.  

Your life is an open book.  You are like a tasty little rabbit sitting innocently in the forest while the wolf is eyeing you up and licking his chops. 

In view of the above, why would anyone NOT want to get out of this pickle and try to preserve their privacy and THEIR FUTURE LIFE?  The Lighthouse Law Club has answers to all of the above,

Let me give you two options you can employ right now to take a major step towards neutralizing the spies in your life and recapture your privacy, your security and your future!  See below.

Read on...

How can we be free when we are prisoners to social media, in a world without privacy? How can we be free when our every movement is tracked and every conversation is recorded and can easily be held against us? How exactly are we free if we are tethered to our cell phones? - Tom Green

Protect Your Finances!

Imagine having a private financial arrangement which allows you to accumulate cash, cryptos, precious metals and various derivations of a diversified portfolio which could grow entirely tax free, and.... 
  1. completely free from external monitoring and/or reporting, and 
  2. immune to lawsuits or other forms of legal attack, and 
  3. ...which you'd never have to report to anyone and you'd be 100% compliant with the law, and 
  4. ...was flexible enough to be used for a wide variety of general and/or specific purposes and uses, and which
  5. ...has all the protections and safety valves to ensure that you and your family are protected and the patrimony is secured for the intended uses. 
This would be our Global Entrepreneur membership which you need if you make more than $100k a year with a net worth of $250k or more.  You need to check it out.  Get more details here. 

Private Communications

If you read my newsletters you've seen me mention the new Impulse Blockchain Cellphone which you need to have if you value your financial privacy at all.  

But you haven't seen the information I have for you today.  Here's a new 1 minute video teaser. 

Then sign up for a free account with Karatbars to review the powerful packages available.  More on Karatbars and why you'll want to be associated, below
If you need some real financial independence watch this short overview video presentation
Watch this first. 

Then take in the full presentation. 
Watch this for full impact 

Get signed up and you'll hear from me with specific instructions on what to do next to crank 
this machine into high gear!

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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