Hello Friend,
Be sure to catch up on what happened in our Training Session tonight (Thursday). The video replay is available. Details are below towards the bottom of this page.
But first, I went to a patriot site which carries the Scott McKay broadcast videos and instead of seeing the Jan. 21st update video I found a message that said the video was no longer available because YouTube had deleted his channel permanently. Surely George Orwell was a time traveller and saw these days when he wrote 1984, do you think?
Anyway, the website was kind enough to make a list of bullet points covered in the deleted broadcast and I share these with you below. Read and be encouraged!
1.8.21 The Tipping Point Post Election Update #18 The Patriot Streetfighter – Scott McKay
Official plans to begin the final phase of the Cabal Take-down are underway. Stage is set. Prepare to observe the battle of all time! Traitors turning against each other to save their lives.
Washington DC is in PANIC mode The guy with horns is a military infiltrator; he has been filming BLM and Antifa
Laptops were removed from the Capitol Building by the military – the congress people ran like cowards
No doom and gloom from anyone. Period.
This is a stealth operation
Arrests in Italy, the Ambassador to Italy – Mike Pompeo is there
Affidavit by Italian whistleblower is in the President’s hands.
Trump was the LAST CEO of the US Corporation
He will be the first President of the New Republic of the United States under NESARA
Rothschild Central Bankers gave loan to U.S. after the Civil War and started 1871 plan, new Constitution, parallel (took out 14th; put in unconstitutional elements like the IRS, etc.)
1934, US Corp was quit-claimed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), we have been under the control of a FOREIGN POWER
1968 Governor’s convention, US dollar is a foreign currency, Federal Reserve note; tax your people, forever – each state was encouraged to become a corporation; NO ONE in Washington D.C. is seated in the United States, they are seated in a corporate structure controlled by foreign powers
Luciferians think in long-terms, 1,000 years
1913 Federal Reserve Act, JP Morgan, etc., Central Bank
1999 Bankruptcy… 18-day window, Post Master General position, the government was going to revert back to the British Crown.
Russell J. Gould was recognized by the United Nations, Post Master General; all trade goes through this office – Title 4 flag was seized
All presidents since then have been illegal
Another attempted take-down was 9/11
Trump is driving the stake through the vampire
2020 the election is stolen by the globalist
January 6th – another barrier; the criminals certified Biden as winner
January 20th – inauguration – Trump will not be there because there won’t be an inauguration. The corporation doesn’t exist anymore
Washington wasn’t inaugurated until April 30, 1789.
FDR changed the date of the inauguration
Trump is killing the US Corp., he dismantled the Act of 1871. Washington DC is sovereign territory, military arm.
We are re-birthing the Republic; all BS laws will go away; the oppressive laws will be removed down to the local level; the whole culture will be cleansed
Then, we have a whole new world to build by raising our vibration – we are raising
Humanity through the ascension process
Laptops and devices were seized by military operatives; the traitors were in contact with CCP agents
Georgia run-off election was also a military sting
Treason has been committed
Special prosecution report will be coming out (Sidney Powell) in seven to 10 days
Trump is still tweeting… hundreds of people were suspended from Twitter
The traitors are scared
Parler is being removed from Apple
If Biden is President, then anyone who put out this kind of content will be arrested
Trump will be broadcasting through EBS – emergency broadcast system
Do not follow MSM, they are pushing their narrative ten to 14 days will be difficult
ex- and retired Military are meeting with each other and they will take on the Game
This is Game Theory, 5D chess… Art of War
REAL Patriots have to HOLD. THE. LINE.