As you are aware, anyone with a thinking brain can see the bold and clear attempt to steal the election from Trump. This was foreseen. Even Sleepy Joe in one of his many public 'slip ups' admitted on camera that (to paraphrase) "I don't need your vote to win, I just need your support after we win". He also said publicly on tape, "we have the best voter fraud system..."
Nonetheless, with baby killing, free speech, rights to self defense and so much more on the line, Today was an easy day to get depressed as we watched evil once again crushing truth and justice. I was.
After so many prophetic dreams and visions had confirmed a second Trump term, to see this happen was a huge surprise and let down.
Don't be daunted. The game isn't over. The trap has been set. Sometimes to catch the thief you need to lure him out of the bushes and let him do his dirty deeds and 'then' you catch him in the act, on camera with no defense.
I believe this is exactly what's happening. Three videos below will cheer you up and provide some encouragement.
Trump campaign claims democrats "trying to cheat" and launches lawsuits | 9 News Australia. Isn't it interesting that I cannot find this press conference video in any USA media, only Australia. Interesting.
God has a plan. Understand it with this video. The speaker gets into great detail on scripture, the days of Noah, the timelines involved and how they apply to today. He talks about the Christian community needing to rise up to learn to be Lions instead of sheep and speak the truth of the Word loudly now with confidence and 'DECREE' God's plan into existence. God says 'Give me 21 days' You’ll be tempted to shut it down about midway but don’t. See it to the end for your reward.
The Lord will expose corruption in the next days: Again, the trap is laid. Prepare the guns! The enemy is exposed!