Subject: Disclosure-They walk among us!

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WMC Sabbath Bible Study
& Prayer Service
Hi Friend

Tomorrow at 10:00 AM Central time we hold our weekly Sabbath prayer service & bible study. 

You're not going to want to miss this one.  (or any one for that matter - See our blog page)

We'll be examining biblical scripture about the end times, aliens, fallen angels and what's happening on this earth this very moment in modern times. 

If this doesn't scare you straight, probably nothing will.  You are lost in that case and I pray that it's not true.

In this session you'll see actual photos of alien creatures. You'll get classified protected intel from military sources and we'll show you where to find endless first hand accounts of human encounters of all kinds.

Is Bigfoot real? You'd better believe it but he's the least of your worries when you discover what really lurks out there and under the earth.

So what does this have to do with the bible?


Friend time is short. You need to be up to speed and prepared.

Don't miss our session tomorrow (Saturday).  This session will go beyond our usual 1 hour.  Block off some time.  

See you then



Today's Topic: Disclosure - They walk among us!

Time: Saturday Sept. 3nd, 2022 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Sat, until Dec 10, 2022, 17 occurrence(s)

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