Hello again Friend,
I know you're busy and I'm throwing a lot of stuff at you these days, but 'when' you are successful as a digital nomad, you'll be able to structure your time and activities a little more loosely 'as you like'. That's the whole point of this program. So don't relax until you're making at least $300 a day. It can happen easily if you just follow the program and pay attention to details.
With just Gladiacoin alone, my daily paydays range typically from $500 to $2000 a day and it's on cruise control now after working it fairly hard for 60 days. You can do the same.
Diversification is very important. Any investor knows that to spread risk you need diversification. We don't control these programs and who knows how long they will continue?
So get your position solidified, upgraded and a good team built and then let's talk about diversification.
Today: I just want to let you know that I'm testing a new program which generates 1% profit in BitCoin every 4 hours. In other words, that's 6% a day. You get paid 6 times a day automatically.
You can reinvest your profits to compound them every 4 hours if the amount is sufficient. This compounding is a huge benefit!
Take out your financial calculator and calculate what '1' unit amounts to in 30 days with 6 periods per day (180 periods).
I just joined late yesterday and have been paid 4 times already.
I'll keep you posted as I gain more experience and confidence with it.
I'm just planting this seed with you now. Will follow up later.
Be sure you get your Asirvia Go broadcasting devices ordered.
See the button below if you missed previous emails on this.
More later,