Subject: Digital Nomad - Conference Replay

Last Night's
Web Conference
Today is February 16th, the day we've had marked on our calendars as a benchmark in this program for those of you who have been around awhile.  Here's what we have going on tonight in addition to your web conference log in details....
If you missed the conference last night, here's the replay link to the recording so you can catch it at your leisure.

Click Here

Bottom Line; 

  1. Get set up with CrowdRising and Step up to at least Stage 1 if not Stage 3 for the 'Fast Track'.
  2. Have your GetResponse campaign set up with autoresponder messages imported from my system to yours and customize them with your own links.
  3. Create your landing page linked to your email campaign and possibly an alternate 'Variant B' to test conversion rates and find the best one to use long term.
  4. Set up your YouTube Channel with my video (10 minute Digital Nomad promo)
  5. Get your account set up with 'Uphold'

Once you've done that, contact me for discussion, review and final brainstorming & tweaking if necessary.

Now you're ready for Phase II where we'll kick things into high gear.


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.