Subject: Community Support - You might need it sometime!

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Community Support
is Critical!
Hi Friend, 

You know, if the people in our communities worked closer together, we'd have a lot less dependence and interference from oppressive government.

We'd have more educated people working together to find common law solutions.

We'd have our own communities providing for their own needy and getting more accomplished, rather than people just shrugging their shoulders and saying, 'The government will help them'!  And we know what happens then!

We'd have people getting the help they need when they need it rather than a bureaucratic runaround, red tape, delays and 'social contracts'!

Right now, one of our brothers is in need and could really use just a 'little' help from you. 

Tom Anderson has been fighting for truth and justice for many many years in the Eau Claire, Wisconsin area.  He has made many a personal sacrifice fighting tyranny and engaging in the battle against corruption of our values and our republic. He's been one of the more active contributors to the Lighthouse Law Club and a variety of other like minded organizations over the years. 

Right now, he needs your help.  Here's why:

"I had open heart surgery on 2-28-17 for replacement of a heart valve, fixing an aneurism, fixing a hole in my heart and opening 2 blockages in my heart.  Since the operation I have had very high blood pressure and my heart continues to flutter.  I am extremely weak and tired.  On May 8 I go back to the hospital and will have my heart shocked.  The doctors tell me to stay off the phone and away from the computer, too much stress.  So at this time I am unable to volunteer."

He is fighting the good fight against foreclosure fraud and the banksters are trying to force him out of his house with a planned Sheriff sale May 15.   He is unable to work.  He currently has no income.  And he has used up his savings in the legal battle to save his home.

Without 'our' help, he may very well be out on the street with nowhere to live, no way to work, and in a very frail condition health wise with a weak and suffering heart. 

This is a call to please send him just a little financial relief so that in the worst case scenario, he'll have some money to find a place to put a roof over his head.

He is doing his part in fighting the foreclosure and using every avenue available to him to carry his own water.  But under the circumstances, he needs a team to back him up.

This is what communities do to help their own.  Tom is a solid Christian man with a good wife and 30 years of battle scars to prove it.

Please help him with whatever you can spare.  You may help him with a PayPal donation or direct communication sent to ' '.  Tom Anderson. 

Pay if forward.  You never know when you may need your community behind you!

Thanks for being a part of 'Our' Community!    


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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