| Hi Friend,
We are now just a hair outside of December, the last month of the year. I always shut down early for the holidays and this is my time when I pray for vision and discernment about my direction for the coming year.
In the overall scheme of things, we each have only precious little time, energy and resources to spend and we have to spend that wisely. So with this in mind, I'm evaluating all the options available, and opening the door to those options which aren't available (yet) but will most certainly be presented at the appropriate time. God is amazing at opening new doors with perfect timing!
This is my favorite thing to do, being creative. Looking for visions and discernment, molding and generating new energy and direction.
So, be that what it is, you are an important part of that process. As a club, each of us has a part to play in the direction we go.
In view of that, I need your opinion.
I've created a Member Satisfaction Survey and I'd like to ask you to please take about 5 minutes and give me your honest opinion on a few things. Would you do that for me as a personal favor?
Our new 'Books to Download' page is the direct result of a suggestion from Misty on a web conference. I think that's an awesome feature for us all and was a fantastic idea. This is your club. What ideas do you have?
I'll be in my mountain cave during the holidays contemplating your responses and using those to move us to the next level in a higher gear.
I thank you in advance for your participation. The button below will take you directly to the questionnaire.