Hey Friend,
War has been declared against America and the people of this world by the banksters many years ago. To date, it has been a stealthy operation conducted behind the veil of deception, indoctrination and fraud. Lives have been ruined, futures have been destroyed, marriages and families torn apart by financial manipulation and theft. People and their belongings have been impoverished and kicked out of their homes to the street. More recently we have Paradise, Calif., Lahaina, Maui and the Pacific Palisades as recent examples of this war to humble and destroy people's lives for the benefit of the money powers who are manifesting their greed based agenda at the expense of we the people.
One of the best ways to fight back is to call out their fraud, negate it according to law, and deprive them of the lifeblood they count on which is your labor and livelihood.
We are calling you up for service in this fight. Your participation is required if we are to have an effective army of righteous truth seekers to protect and defend against this onslaught.
At the bare minimum you need to avail yourself of some of the new information on the NATF > Services > Debt elimination page, educate yourself and share this information with others.
If you have any form of bank debt; credit cards, mortgages, HELOC, or even a past foreclosure that's over and done with, you need to jump in to our BOOT CAMP which will train you and develop rare skills in the art of 'Bank Busting'.
You will then have the basis to implement the legal maneuvers and procedural Ju Jitzu to put the bankers on their back in total surrender. The benefit to you is likely to be: no more payments, recovery of all that you have paid, and if you take it to the next level, significant damages.
So, now that you have been 'Noticed' of the war and damages that are being foisted upon you... Do you continue to participate in the fraud and give your family's future away with the unnecessary payments you are making every month?
Or do you learn the basics to take back your life and future?
Are you cut out for our Boot Camp?
You must be serious and committed to the cause with the determination to stand your ground until VICTORY!
Are you up to it?
Are you committed? Are you passionate to obtain victory whatever it takes?
Lukewarm pansies, doubters, skeptics need not apply. You'll never make it.
We're looking for people with a mindset of being a 'tough S.O.B.' who will take no prisoners.
Is that you?