Subject: Are You Ready for the Takedown?

Are you ready for 
the takedown
of America?

Hello Friend, 

"WW III is inevitable.  It's going to happen", says Jamie Walden, who is in a position to know.  

We've all heard about and read the book of Revelations and picture it in some context of being off yonder and not real for today.  This session heard Jamie Walden break it down in real terms, how it is unfolding as we speak and how America will be subdued from within.  

The pieces and players are all in place and It's coming to your backyard. You'd better be right with God.  There's no guarantee that you won't be one of the martyrs spoken of in the book of Revelations which is why you need to be ready NOW ...  

Be sure to watch this session: THE TAKEDOWN OF AMERICA and share it with everyone you love.  This is a 'MUST SEE' video.  
The Grand Deception
The world is talking about it, sightings are on the increase and soft disclosure has already happened. Videos are even circulating of direct encounters of ‘ET’ beings in peoples’ back yards. The stage is being set and people are being conditioned to accept the idea of ETs co-existing with us here on earth. YouTube has several channels with messages supposedly from the Pledeians who present themselves as benevolent and who want to help us. Jesus warns us, “Don’t fall for that trap!” It’s all part of the Grand Deception.

Learn more from our prayer session replay here.

It's Time to Claim our Power and Authority
As sons and daughters of the creator of the universe, we have been created in HIS likeness and image with the ability to do all that Jesus had done during his time on earth and more! Now is NOT the time to ‘head for the hills’ and hide but instead, to put on the breastplate of righteousness and march forward with the power and authority of no less than Yahweh himself casting out the demons of evil and reclaiming HIS kingdom for the Glory of HIS name. This session emphasizes and underscores that mandate in a way that is stirring and resolute.

This was a power packed session you don’t want to miss. Catch the replay here.

And for those that need to pray for wayward family and loved ones to come back to the loving arms of Jesus and be saved, this prayer will help.

Christian Testimony from a Jewish Woman
Many of us need to understand the Jewish faith better than we do. The testimony of this woman gives us a better understanding and enables us to distinguish the differences between the Jewish faith and the teachings of Jesus. She grew up as a Jew and still has family entrenched in that faith. She’s praying to free them from the strict rules of religiosity and enjoy the freedom and blessings that Jesus offers us. This is really an eye opener and is a good guide for us to help steer a conversation should we get the opportunity. Listen and learn!

Here’s the replay.

I hope these messages bless you! 

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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