Hi Friend
The following is the Preface to a 375 page manual which is literally a bona fide treasure. I've had it for 30 years and continually refer to it on a regular basis for the endless gems of knowledge it contains. Read this preface for yourself.
Author's Preface
Choosing a title for this work was tough. It should have been titled, "How the Super Rich are Exempt from Probate, Gift Taxes, Estate Taxes, Federal Income Taxes, State Income Taxes, Capital Gains Taxes, Social Security Taxes, Seizures, Bankruptcies, Law Suits, Judgments, Etc., AND How You Can Exclude Yourself From All These Problems!"
Such a title would have apprised the purchaser of the content of the book, but it would obviously not have functioned as a name. You hold in your hands the fruit of more than a lifetime of work - over ninety accumulated calendar years in research, trials, testing, and experience.
For well over a decade my clients have been requesting I write this book. I hope all may benefit greatly; clients and non clients alike.
From the earliest part of the twentieth century men have paid from high to medium five figure sums to learn what this work teaches.
Today, two associations, First America Research, and another, charge a minimum fee of $15,500* for this information during a two day seminar. What one gets for their memberships are the secrets revealed to you here, a syllabus, on going member benefits and updates, helps from the membership, and tape recordings from the two day seminar.
*(this was $15,500 in the late 80's!)
Members do their own work of "putting it all together," or they hire one of the association approved attorneys. By any standard their respective fees for the secrets are cheap, because probate alone would cost the average person considerably more!
The secrets within these pages have never been offered for such a paltry sum as you have paid for this book. That there has never been a book as this is evidence enough that' the information revealed to you here was never intended to be widely known, read, studied, and used - especially from a single volume!
There are but a handful of attorneys who work with Colatos, (Common Law Trust Organizations) the "secret trust" of the Super Rich, and almost all of those are on private retainer, do not have public practices, and are not motivated to share what they know.
However, in the last decade or more a few lawyers have emerged who have each made significant contributions in the ordinary course of their practices to rediscover and redevelop the English common law - especially those parts which are uniquely American.
Among these later few are men who are held in high esteem who use this information for the benefit of their clients. Also encouraging is that prestigious stock firms like Paine Weber, Inc. have presented offerings which revive those peculiar American forms of business organization known until lately only to the super Rich and their lawyers.
This expose´ will offer the proof in a form a court would label "evidence" to document that America's richest families have been using Colatos for over a century! In an effort to draw the economic and political picture together, it is almost impossible not to make some personal observations or interpretations concerning certain situations which are of historical value. However, interpretations shall he kept to a minimum as I realize that such questions are beyond the intent and scope of this work; so many others have written volumes concerning them. Surely those sources are not so complete concerning the events which shaped our law and history the world cannot use a few of my insights. Therefore I'll limit the digressions as much as possible, and only to offer those insights on tax and economic histories I believe are indispensable to the reader.
The footnotes are integral to this work. I urge you in the strongest possible language to use them! They will extricate an extraordinary secret so tangled together that without them it could take years of searching to unravel.
Because of the pagination necessitating footnotes rather than endnotes, and their essentiality for an authoritative thesis I was unable to print the book in columns. I realize the long line makes reading more difficult and I apologize for that, but as this book won't be read as a novel any way, and as it must be studied, I must demand your indulgence in order to protect the integrity of the work. I will refer to the "layman" as that tide pool of extremely clever persons, who, rather than hiring critical technology, educate themselves to do the biggest part, if not the entire job of running their businesses.
So critical are the decisions entrepreneurs must make today, if they are to negotiate successfully in the sea of competition, that I refer to these elite as the layman or non professionals. Most of my clients over the years have been "laymen" who have put everything together themselves with occasional help from other association members.
On balance, I believe those persons engaged in the legal, accounting, and real estate professions will round out my readership. However, my commitment is greater to the layman. I want anyone of average talent and ability to understand the source of my revelation and why the techniques work.
After comprehending I want them to be able to utilize the methods themselves. My brethren will be delighted to see I have adopted the style of sectionalizing paragraphs,
As this expose´ is fully documented, it will settle any question of tax or law concerning the validity or legality of the Colato; the primary tool of the Super Rich. However, the complexity of my subject material has necessitated the use of many things most people would be unfamiliar with. Therefore, to amateur eyes this work may appear complicated. Again, I say take heart! The text extends great care so that the interested person will completely understand. You can find almost any subject within moments. Further, the book includes a Table of Legal Authorities as well as complete selected cases. I realize how anxious one may be to discover the secrets of the Super Rich and how a reader 'will have a tendency to rush through the material, but as my subject matter contains complete proofs a careful reading is required to truly understand.
Nevertheless, I believe a layman or professional can easily step from one concept to another and graduate with a working knowledge most of my kindred brothers do not possess. I have tried to answer all the questions which you might ask. ...