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This Month in Mongolian Studies is a monthly listing of selected academic activities, resources and other material related to Mongolia. This list is based on information the ACMS has received and is presented as a service to its members. If you would like to submit information to be included in next month's issue please contact the ACMS at info@mongoliacenter.org This publication is supported in part by memberships. Please consider becoming a member of the ACMS, or renewing your membership by visiting our website at mongoliacenter.org/join.
Thank you!
ACMS Announcements, News and Media References
CAUTIONARY NOTICE on Online Security
We apologize for the delay in sending out the newsletter this month, as we had to deal with a surge of bot accounts subscribing to our newsletter in the last month. Thankfully, our service provider, GetResponse warned us about this in time, and we were able to take measures before any exploit could happen. Working with GetResponse we added reCaptchas to our signup forms to prevent and/or reduce the number of bot accounts subscribing to our emailing lists, including our newsletter emailing list. We are removing suspected bot accounts subscribed to our emailing lists.
If you subscribed to our newsletter in the past month your email address may be removed from our emailing list by mistake. If so, you should refill the newsletter subscription form. We will make a pinned post to our social media with a link to our signup form. Here is the signup form link:
This may also serve as a cautionary tale to our subscribers to take their own online security seriously and become literate in online security, so as to take necessary measures to protect themselves online . |
| New Field Research Equipment Available at ACMS
If you follow our news on Facebook, Dr. William Taylor from the Colorado University, Boulder, has generously donated field research equipment to ACMS. In 2018 ACMS established the Bruce W. Morrison Research Laboratory to provide researchers access to free equipment vital to conducting their research and field work in Mongolia. The laboratory was established thanks to the generous donation from a former ACMS fellow.
Dr. William Taylor's donations will be added to an existing pool of equipment in the Bruce W. Morrison Research Laboratory. This equipment can be accessed via a request to ACMS office in Mongolia.
Pictured below is Dr. William Taylor with the equipment he donated to ACMS' Bruce W. Morrison Research Laboratory. |
| | | ACMS Library Website Features Dissertations on Mongolia
As you know ACMS built a new website for our Library with the help of our Library Fellow Liz Gartley. In our new library website (www.mongoliacenter.libguides.com) we have a section for dissertations written on Mongolia. In this section we catalog PhD dissertations and master's theses to facilitate research of other scholars, who may need them.
Currently our catalog of contains: 318 PhD dissertations and 193 theses on 59 subjects.
If you would like to have your dissertation or thesis listed on our catalog, please contact us via gantungalag@mongoliacenter.org. |
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ACMS Sponsored Programs and Events
September VSS was held in English. As our guest speaker, we had Assistant Professor Dr. Eric Thrift from the University of Winnipeg. Dr. Thrift's presentation was on "Cashmere as cultural commodity: Exploring potential cultural indicators". His presentation is available on our Facebook page. Please click the button below to watch the video. |
| | | This month for Virtual Panel Series we invited the director of a new documentary film called "Batu: Historical Detective" and a panel experts interviewed by him including Dr. Timothy May, author Diane Wolff and Dr. Stephen Pow. Unfortunately, Dr. Marie Favereau could not join us in this discussion. |
| | | Field Research Fellow Interview
Our 2020 Field Research Fellow Dr. Ryan Leary was finally able to come to Mongolia to complete his field work after a long delay due to Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Ryan Leary is an Assistant Professor and a geologist from New Mexico Tech, Socorro. His research topic was "Geological history of the Altai Mountains". Please click the button below to watch the video. |
| | | Interview with Dr. William Taylor
Some of our readers might remember Dr. William Taylor, Assistant Professor and Curator of Archaeology at Colorado University in Boulder, because he is an ACMS Field Research Fellowship alum. This time we met Dr. William Taylor, as CAORC Multi-Country Research Fellow. Watch him talk about his work on glacial archaeology in Western Mongolia.
| | Language Teaching Methodology
In September 2022 we had another Language Teaching Methodology webinar. This time we invited Mrs. Tserenchimeg Ts., Founder of "Sodon Chimee" Mongolian Language Center. Tserenchimeg is a Mongolian language teacher and has been teaching Mongolian language since 1992 and teaching Mongolian as a foreign language since 2008, after founding "Sodon Chimee" Mongolian Language Center. Tserenchimg and "Sodon Chimee" taught Mongolian language to South Korean Embassy staff and diplomats in Ulaanbaatar, JICA, KOICA, Peace Corps volunteers, the Oyu Tolgoi copper mine, and "Badrakh Energy" LLC. She lent us her vast experience in teaching Mongolian language as a foreign language and talked about "Working on mistakes". Her webinar is available on our YouTube channel below:
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Cultural Heritage Colloquium Q3 in-person workshop was organized on September 30 the topic of Museum Ethics. Three speakers talked about Ethical Norms of Public Servants (this is due to Mongolian museums being public institutions) - speaker Maralmaa, National Museum of Mongolia; Documents on International Museum Ethics, Revision and Amendment Process - speaker Dr. Bumaa, ICOM Mongolia; and Multifacetedness of Museum Ethics - speaker Enkhnaran, Institute for Cultural and Artistic Studies.
Although Dr. Munkhtogoo was initially scheduled to speak on behalf of National Museum of Mongolia, she couldn't make it this time. Below is the link to the YouTube video.
| Visit our YouTube channel to see more series of the Virtual Speaker and Virtual Panel Series, as well as our videos on Cultural Heritage Project, interviews with our Field Research Fellows and more.
Vacancies, Scholarship, and Fellowships
Assistant Professor of Mongolian Studies wanted
The Department of Central Eurasian Studies in the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University Bloomington seeks a tenure track Assistant Professor of Mongolian Studies. The appointment begins August 1, 2023. Applicants should be capable of conducting research and teaching on issues relating to contemporary and traditional Mongolian history, politics, religion, and/or society, which may include modern and pre-modern Russian-Mongolian and Chinese-Mongolian relations and Mongolia’s connections to the rest of Central Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. Proficiency in modern and classical Mongolian languages is desired as is capability in Russian and Chinese. Candidates should demonstrate commitment to research, teaching, public engagement, and working on Mongolian Studies program development with Indiana University’s world-class Central Eurasian Studies faculty as well as with the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies. Candidates are expected to teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels as determined by the department.
Candidates must have the PhD or be ABD by the starting date of the appointment. Applicants from all disciplines capable of conducting research and teaching on issues relating to contemporary and traditional Mongolian history, politics, religion, and/or society, which may include modern and pre-modern Russian-Mongolian and Chinese-Mongolian relations and Mongolia’s connections to the rest of Central Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe are encouraged to apply.
| | Chevening Scholarship 2023-2024 for Mongolians
Online applications are invited from Mongolian nationals who wish to study in the United Kingdom at postgraduate (Master) level for the next academic year, which starts in September/October 2023.
Through the Chevening/MES Partnership Scholarships Scheme, the British and Mongolian Governments jointly invest in talented individuals with focused career plans, the potential to become influential leaders in their field and the desire to contribute to Mongolia's future. The scholarships cover tuition fees, travel costs and living expenses.
The Chevening/MES Partnership Scholarships Scheme offers:
- access to high quality British education.
- an opportunity to obtain a postgraduate Master’s qualification (MSc, MA, LLM, MBA).
- the stimulating experience of being part of a dynamic international community of Chevening scholars.
Priority will be given to applicants who want to pursue studies in fields that support the following objectives:
a. International relations. b. Environment and Climate change. c. Business, economics and innovation. d. Good governance, human rights and democracy.
A successful candidate should:
- be a Mongolian citizen at the time of applying for the award and intend to return to Mongolia at the end of the period of study;
- already hold a degree that is equivalent to at least a UK second-class honours degree;
- have completed at least two years work or equivalent experience by the end of September in the year prior to the academic year for which the scholarship applies;
- have good English language skills (a minimum IELTS score of 6.5. Some courses, eg law, also require a higher IELTS score)
- have not already received or be receiving financial benefit from a British Government funded scholarship;
- have a track of record of excellence and achievement in their field;
- have a clear idea about how their scholarship will benefit Mongolia on their return;
- be able to demonstrate that they have leadership potential;
- employees, employees’ relatives (or former employees who have left employment less than two years before) of the British Government and or any of its wholly-owned subsidiaries will not be eligible to apply for the Award.
If you are interested in becoming a Chevening/MES Partnership Scholar in 2023/24 please apply from 2 August to 1 November 2022 online at www.chevening.org/apply
More information about the Scholarships can be found at https://www.chevening.org/mongolia and www.mecss.gov.mn
The closing date for applications is 01 November 2022 (Midday GMT) |
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Grants and Calls for Paper
Call for Papers: Collective Sovereignty, Royal Clans, and Sacred Kingship in pre-Modern Central Eurasia The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Ben Gurion University of the Negev
The Humanities and Social Sciences Fund Conference
Date: November 1, 2022 Location: Israel Subject Fields: Asian History / Studies, East Asian History / Studies, Islamic History / Studies, Russian or Soviet History / Studies
Conference date: June 13-15, 2023
While many rulers in pre-modern Eurasia based their claim to rule on their unique affinity to the Divine, the principle that this affinity with a god or the gods is common to all members, male or female, of the extended ruling clan appears to have been a particular characteristic of Central Eurasian models of sacred kingship, appearing already in some of the earliest polities of ancient Iranian, Turkic, and Mongolian nomads in the first millennium BCE-first millennium CE, and reaching its zenith (or its best documented case) in the 13th-14th centuries under the Chinggisids, the royal clan descending from Chinggis Khan (r. 1206-1227). The royal clan’s special position and affinity with the divine was further related to the belief that it possesses a charisma or unique good fortune (known in the culture of ancient steppe nomads as Scythian and Sarmatian farn, the Turkic qut and Mongolian suu), often supplanted by a superhuman origin. The charisma enabled the clan to receive a “divine mandate” to rule upon earth.
In this system of collective or joint sovereignty, membership in the clan was essential for the legitimation of the nomadic ruler. While it theoretically guaranteed the ruling dynasty’s political stability, in practice, however, it was also the cause of frequent succession struggles since each male (and sometimes even female) member of the royal clan could potentially have a legitimate claim for leadership. Moreover, the collective sovereignty also impacted the ruler’s government, as it obliged him (or her) to redistribute wealth – in terms of booty, territory, or people – among the whole clan, thereby often promoting decentralization. Eurasian Steppe rulers who conquered sedentary realms brought this notion with them. Via Chinggisid mediation the Central Eurasian variant of sacred kingship impacted various post-Mongol polities across early-modern Asia, from the Ottomans and Moghuls to Qing China and Muscovy.
The conference aims to explore the historical and cultural significance and manifestations of collective sovereignty, royal clans, sacred kingship and their interplay among Central Eurasian cultures, from the first millennium BCE and up to the 18th century. Central Eurasia here roughly equals the extent of the Eurasian steppes, stretching from Manchuria to Hungary, yet we will also refer to polities originated in Central Eurasia that came to rule in Eurasia’s sedentary realms, such as China, India or the Middle East.
The main questions that will be explored in the conference include:
How did rulers employ the divinized framework to counter the threat of the decentralization of power embedded in this structure of collective sovereignty? What became of the model of collective, familial rulership when a polity adopted a universal religion like Islam, Christianity or Buddhism? Was internal opposition to ruler’s conversion among nomadic polities also motivated by the threat that conversion posed to this central institution of collective sovereignty? What role did female members or consort clans play in the collective sovereignty or in the sacred sphere? How did the Central Eurasian nomadic concepts change in post-nomadic empires and when applied to sedentary realms (such as in Iran, India, China, Russia)? The conference will be the first academic forum to systematically examine the connections between joint sovereignty and sacred kingship. Several leading experts already confirmed their participation, but we are also looking for additional papers concerned especially- but not limited to- the cases of the Uighur Empire, the Khazars, the Tang Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and Muscovy.
Submission of Abstracts:
Please send abstracts- up to 250 words- and short CV to ercmongol@gmail.com
until November 1, 2022.
Answers will be given by November 20, 2022.
The conference will cover accommodation (up to 4 nights in Jerusalem) and-hopefully- depending on existing funding- at least part of the travel expenses.
For queries please contact Michal Biran at ercmongol@gmail.com or Jonathan Brack at brackjon@bgu.ac.il
The Organizing committee: Reuven Amitai, Michal Biran, Jonathan Brack, Michael Shenkar
Contact Info: Michal Biran, Institute of Asian and African Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Contact Email: biranm@mail.huji.ac.il URL: http://mongol.huji.ac.il
| | Call for Papers: Mongol Bling: From Xanadu to Tabriz to Venice
ANNUAL CONFERENCE of The Association for Art History
Date: April 12, 2023 to April 14, 2023 Location: United Kingdom Subject Fields: Archaeology, Architecture and Architectural History, Art, Art History & Visual Studies, East Asian History / Studies, Middle East History / Studies
University College London
To offer a paper: Please email your paper proposals direct to the session convenor(s). You need to provide a title and abstract (250 words maximum) for a 20-minute paper (unless otherwise specified), your name and institutional affiliation (if any). Please make sure the title is concise and reflects the contents of the paper because the title is what appears online, in social media and in the digital programme. You should receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your submission within two weeks.
Deadline for submissions: 4 November 2022.
Mongol Bling: From Xanadu to Tabriz to Venice
Sussan Babaie The Courtauld, University of London sussan.babaie@courtauld.ac.uk
Shane McCausland SOAS, University of London sm80@soas.ac.uk
Stunning objects, wonderous new materials and technologies, and novel ideas constitute what was the shared Mongol taste for splendour across the four khanates that made up the Great Mongol State from its foundation by Genghis Khan (r. 1206-27) on the Mongolian steppe heartlands, and between eastern China and Korea to Western Asia and Eastern Europe. In spite of their reputation as cannibals and philistines who sowed terror, how did the Mongol overlords reveal themselves to have also forged a dynamic, creative, and aesthetic empire which valued the highly sophisticated cultures of the settled peoples they conquered and in which the arts featured prominently? This panel focuses on the crosspollinated artistic landscapes that fashioned through local technologies, styles and tastes a distinctively Mongol-inflected regional identity. We invite papers that address through objects and analytics of transcultural possibilities the ways Mongol khans in China, Persia, Central Asia or Russia championed their own local artists to fashion favoured regional styles. How do the extraordinary richness and diversity of the arts produced to serve the local elites reflect and embody the wealth and power of the Mongol state? We envision a panel that contributes to developing of critical new ways to re-evaluate the Eurasian localities—Europe to East Asia, Northern Steppes to insular Southeast Asia—of artistic production in light of the overarching Mongol predilections for prestige conveyed through the charisma of the object
Contact Info: Sussan Babaie The Courtauld, University of London sussan.babaie@courtauld.ac.uk
Shane McCausland SOAS, University of London sm80@soas.ac.uk
Contact Email: sm80@soas.ac.uk
| | Call for Papers: IMC Leeds, 3-6 July 2023 Chinggisid Ripples: Networks and Entanglements and the Mongol Impact
Organisers: Dr Geoff Humble (University of Leeds) Dr Márton Vér (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
The Mongol imperial project has recently received a relatively sympathetic characterisation, reflecting an optimistic view of proto-globalising linkages and cultures in contact. This may obscure the extractive lineage-based aristocratic frameworks of Chinggisid rule, and the massive disruption of such large-scale warfare. It nonetheless remains clear that the impact of the ‘Mongol moment’ was felt right across and well beyond the territories held by the Great Khans.
These sessions will draw out the broad range of new lineages and linkages disrupted by or emerging from the convulsions of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, aiming to explore the degree to which Chinggisid expansion marked a departure from, or evolution of, previous ways of life across and beyond the conquest space. We would welcome papers addressing themes such as:
● Lineage construction and recording ● Ranges, limits, stability, and fragility of networks ● Network constraints, rules, and social roles ● Prosopographical techniques and limitations ● Connective infrastructure, such as the jam postal system ● Permissions and paizas ● The Pax Mongolica, intra-ulus conflict ● Entangled and overlapping structures, from the Central Secretariat to the darughachi ● Religious networks; orders, pilgrims, advisers ● Envoys, agents, ortoqs and traders ● Nökör, anda, atabeg and other formalised relationships ● Qatuns, wives and gendered reading ● Böge ‘shamans’ and ritual status groups ● Material forms (ceramics, textiles) ● Settlement patterns ● Technological spread and change ● Other exciting topics!
Please email humblegeoff@gmail.com with enquiries or proposals. Abstracts should be around 200 words and sent by 15 August 2022.
Coronavirus restrictions permitting, the IMC organisers are planning to host an in-person gathering in Leeds, with virtual involvement possible for those who are unable to attend in person.
https://www.imc.leeds.ac.uk/imc-2023/ |
| Call for Papers: Religion and Society Special Issue Proposal Editors:Simon Coleman, University of Toronto, Sondra L. Hausner, University of Oxford
Religion and Society has been receiving increasing numbers of excellent suggestions for special issues. We have therefore decided to invite proposals to be sent to us by a given deadline each year, in order to select the most appropriate special section for the journal. The pool of proposals will be considered by our editorial board, and decisions sent back to proposers as swiftly as possible. This arrangement will apply for the first time for our 2025 issue. Our timetable for proposals is as follows:
• May 1, 2024: submission of proposal to Religion and Society editors (no fixed number of papers, but maximum 50,000 words)
• June 1, 2024: decisions sent out, including choice of the proposal to be published
• June-December 2024: external refereeing and redrafting process, with submission of final proofreading by January 2025
The format of the proposal sent to Religion and Society should be as follows:
• Description of the special issue, including summary of its fit with Religion and Society, and assurance that all papers exist in draft form, fully ready to be send to reviewers (max. 500 words)
• Abstracts of all papers (max. 400 words each)
• Bios of special issue editors and all other contributors (max. 100 words each)
• List of potential reviewers for each paper, and assurance that special issue editors will work to obtain external reviews to fit with deadlines
The Religion and Society style guide is based on The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). Please note that the journal uses US punctuation and spelling, following Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.
Please refer to the Style Guide online:
Please submit articles, reviews, and other contributions as Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (rtf) files by e-mail to the editors:
Simon Coleman at simon.coleman@utoronto.ca and Sondra Hausner at sondra.hausner@theology.ox.ac.uk
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Interesting digital resource we discovered in September, 2022:- "Oscar Mamen Blog" - is a blog about the Norwegian explorer and trader, who came to Mongolia in early XX century. The blog contains rare photographs that captured life in pre-revolutionary Mongolia. Here is the Facebook page.
- "Alvin" - is platform for digital collections and digitized cultural heritage. Here you can find photographs made by people, who traveled to and through pre-revolutionary Mongolia.
- "Digital Bodleian" - is the digital library of the Oxford's Bodleian Library. The digital library has some interesting materials on Mongolia, Tibet and Buddhism, though the digital collections of such items are a bit small. Digital items on China and Chinese items are bountiful.
Member contribution publications:(If you would like to announce your publication, please reach out to us at info@mongoliacenter.org. Make sure you put Member contribution publication in the Subject field of your email.)
Selected scholarly articles published in September, 2022:
- Clinical Cancer Research: Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Mongolia Delineates Unique Molecular Traits and a Mutational Signature Associated with Environmental Agents
- Sustainability Leadership in Tourism: Jalsa Urubshurow on Pioneering Responsible Tourism in Mongolia
- Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies: Forest-steppe fires as moving disasters in the
Mongolia-Russian borderland
- Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Impact of perimenopausal symptomatology on quality of life in Mongolian women
- Webology: Islamization Of Golden Horde: In The Historical Prospective
- Geological Journal: Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous magmatism along the northeastern margin of the Inner Mongolia Plateau and its tectonic significance
- Petrology: Evolution of the Magmatic Sources of the Eastern Mongolian Volcanic Area: Evidence from Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb Isotope Data
- International Geology Review: Spatio-and temporal patterns of Jurassic–Early Cretaceous volcanism in the Great Xing’an range, NE China: constraints on the geodynamic evolution
- Canadian-American Slavic Studies: Spies and Scholars: Chinese Secrets and Imperial Russia’s Quest for World Power , by Gregory Afinogenov
- International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology: Air pollution levels and PM2.5 concentrations in Khovd and Ulaanbaatar cities of Mongolia
- Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere: Spatiotemporal dispersion of local-scale dust from the Erdenet mine in Mongolia detected by Himawari-8 geostationary satellite
- Petrology: Mineralogical, Geochemical, and Nd-Sr Isotope Characteristics of Amphibolites from the Alag-Khadny High-Pressure Complex (SW Mongolia): Intracontinental Rifting as a Precursor of Continental-Margin Subduction
- The Holocene: Holocene desertification, traditional ecological knowledge, and human resilience in the eastern Gobi Desert, Mongolia
- Historical Life Course Studies: Nominative Linkage of Records of Officials in the China Government Employee Dataset-Qing (CGED-Q)
- Caving 2022: Oyu Tolgoi: engineering a Mongolian caving dynasty
- Journal Of Babylon Center for Humanities Studies: Religious systems and beliefs of the Mongols in the seventh century AH / thirteenth century AD (historical study)
- Permafrost and Periglacial Processes: Spatial distribution mapping of permafrost in Mongolia using TTOP
- Geography and Human Relations: Survey of the tourism industry in developing countries, (Case study Mongolia)
- Open Journal of Soil Science: Morphological Feature and Physicochemical Characteristics of Soils under Festuca spp. Dominant Steppe at High Mountain and Mountain of Khuvsgul, Mongolia
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion: Muslim–Buddhist Relations and Buddhism in Muslim Sources until the Mongol Period
- Western Illinois Historical Review: Ghost of Tsushima: A Video Game’s Potential in An Educational Setting
- Across the Spectrum of Socioeconomics: A Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Efforts in India and Mongolia through Data Visualization
- Journal of Environmental and Public Health: Handwashing Practice among Elementary Schoolchildren in Urban Setting, Mongolia: A School-Based Cross-Sectional Survey
- Humans in the Siberian Landscapes: Russian Territorial Expansion into Siberia: The Initial Stage (XVI–XVII Centuries)
- Autism: Strategies for capacity building in a low-resource setting: Stakeholders’ voices
- Transplantation: P9.07: Post Liver Transplantation Renal Impairment: Experience With the First 100 Cases in a Single Center in Mongolia
- Advances in Climate Change Research: Evaluation and prediction of engineering construction suitability in the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor
- Journal of Mountain Science: Morphodynamic development of the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake Depression, Central Mongolia: Implications for the relationships of Faulting, Volcanic Activity, and Lake Depression Formation
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Anniversary of Stalinist repression in Mongolia /State Commission on Rehabilitation/ September 7. September 7 is marked as the anniversary day of the Stalinist repressions in Mongolia that occurred in early XX century. To observe the anniversary the SCR invited historian Dr. Dashdulam Deleg for an interview. See the interview... (The interview is in Mongolian) |
| | Serialized publication of National University of Mongolia Professors /Institute for Mongolia Studies/ September 15. The Institute for Mongolia Studies at the National University of Mongolia has been publishing select works of the university's distinguished professors. In September they published the works of the late sociology professor Gundsambuu Khayankhyarvaa's works in 2 volumes. Professor Gundsambuu Kh. is of course best known for his work on Mongolia's social stratification. Read more in Mongolian... |
| | Luvsanvandan and Damdinsuren Scholarships awarded /Institute for Mongolia Studies/ September 27. The Institute for Mongolia Studies at the National University of Mongolia gives annual scholarships to young scholars in Mongolian studies - the Luvsanvandan, Damdinsuren and Rinchen scholarships. 2022 Luvsanvandan and Damdinsuren Scholarships were awarder. See more... |
| | Princess Diaries: The ordinary life of a Mongolian royal in Australia
/SBS/ September 29. The name of her ancestor, Mongolian nomad king Chinggis Khan, is the stuff of history books. His descendant, Princess Subusai, lives an ordinary life in Melbourne — cooking, driving and researching a new book. Read more... |
| | Mongolia rolls out residence permits to Russian citizens/Ikon/ September 30. Since Russian President Vladimir Putin announced limited Mobilization on September 22, 6,268 Russian citizens have arrived in Mongolia and are causing a long queue at the Altanbulag port. According to the Head of Mongolia's Immigration Agency, Uuganbaya N. Mongolia is now giving temporary residence permits to Russian citizens, who applied to stay in Mongolia. 748 Russian citizens have extended their visa and 1000 have consulted with the agency about residency and extension of stay in Mongolia. More about this story in Mongolian and More about arrivals from Russia |
| Related: Interviewing Russian citizens in Mongolia /YouTube: TRIP_BUR. Из Бурятии по Миру/ October 1. A travel blogger from Buryatia has interviewed Russian citizen, who arrived in Mongolia after Putin's limited mobilization announcement. Link to the video... (The video is in Russian, English captions are available) |
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"The Precious Summary: A History of the Mongols from Chinggis Khan to the Qing Dynasty" by Sagang Sechen. Translated by Johan Elverskog
Preorder price: $24.64 (e=Ebook) $140.00 (Hardcover) $35.00 (Paperback)
The Mongols, their khans, and the empire they built and ruled in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries exert an enduring fascination. Caricatured as a marauding horde that ravaged surrounding peoples, in reality the Mongols created institutions, trading networks, economic systems, and intellectual and technological exchanges that shaped the early modern world. However, the centuries after the waning of Mongol power remain overlooked in comparison to the days of Chinggis Khan.
The Precious Summary is the most important work of Mongolian history on the three-hundred-year period before the rise of the Manchu Qing dynasty. Written by Sagang Sechen in 1662, shortly after the Mongols’ submission to the Qing, it chronicles the fall of the Yuan dynasty in China, the Mongol-Oirat wars, and the revival of Mongol power during the reign of Dayan Khan in the sixteenth century. Sagang Sechen’s masterful account spans Buddhist cosmology, Chinggis Khan, the post-Yuan Mongols, Chinese history, and the Mongols’ conversion to Buddhism—and throughout, it attempts to come to terms with the new Manchu state. Featuring extensive and accessible annotations and explanations of historical context, Johan Elverskog’s translation of the Precious Summary offers invaluable perspective on Inner Asian and Chinese history, Mongolian historiography, and the history of Buddhism in Asia.
Sagang Sechen was born in 1604 into an important aristocratic family in Ordos in what is now the southwest part of Inner Mongolia. He distinguished himself in both military and bureaucratic service, including advising his local ruler to submit to the Manchu Qing dynasty in 1635. Little is known about his later life. Johan Elverskog is Dedman Family Distinguished Professor, professor of religious studies, and, by courtesy, professor of history at Southern Methodist University. His books include The Buddha’s Footprint: An Environmental History of Asia (2020).
| |  | "Religious Othering" by Mark Juergensmeyer (Editor), Kathleen Moore (Editor), Dominic Sachsenmaier (Editor)
Price: €99.95 (Ebook & Hardcover)
Perhaps the most disturbing feature of globalization is the emergence of a new tribalism, an attitude expressed in the common phrase, “thank God we’re not like them.” Religious Othering: Global Dimensions explores this political and religious phenomenon. Why are these new xenophobic movements erupting around the world at this moment in history, and what are the features of religious identity that seem to appeal to them? How do we make sense of the strident forms of religious exclusion that have been a part of the past and re-emerged around the world in recent years? This book brings together research scholars from different fields who have had to answer these questions in their own ground-breaking research on religious-othering movements. Written in an engaging, personal style, these essays share these scholars’ attempts to get inside the worldviews of these neo-nationalists through such research approaches as participant observation, empathetic interviews, and close textual reading. Religious Othering: Global Dimensions is of interest to students and scholars in religious studies and the social sciences. In addition, anyone concerned about the rise of religious extremism in the contemporary world will be fascinated with these journeys into the mindsets of dogmatic and sometimes violent religious groups.
Mark Juergensmeyer is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Global Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and William F. Podlich Distinguished Fellow and Professor of Religious Studies at Claremont McKenna College. Kathleen Moore is Professor of Religious Studies and Associate Dean of Humanities at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Dominic Sachsenmaier is Professor of Modern China and Global History and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Göttingen University.
| | "Asia and the Secular Francophone Perspectives in a Global Age" Editors: Pascal Bourdeaux, Eddy Dufourmont, André Laliberté and Rémy Madinier
Price: €99.95 (Ebook & Hardcover)
This volume looks at the secular state in the context of contemporary Asia and investigates whether there existed before modernity antecedents to the condition of secularity, understood as the differentiation of the sphere of the religious from other spheres of social life. The chapters presented in this book examine this issue in national contexts by looking at the historical formation of lexicons that defined the "secular", the "secular state," and "secularism". This approach requires paying attention to modern vernacular languages and their precedents in written traditions with often a very long tradition. This book presents three interpretive frameworks: multiple modernities, variety of secularisms, and typologies of post-colonial secular states.
P. Bourdeaux, EPHE, E. Dufourmont, Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne, A. Laliberté, University of Ottawa and R. Madinier, CASE.
| | "Material Perspectives on Religion, Conflict, and Violence" Editors: Lucien van Liere and Erik Meinema
Price: $€99.00 (Hardcopy)
How do objects become contested in settings characterized by (violent) conflict? Why are some things contested by religious actors? How do religious actors mobilize things in conflict situations and how are conflict and violence experienced by religious groups? This volume explores relations between materiality, religion, and violence by drawing upon two fields of scholarship that have rarely engaged with one another: research on religion and (violent) conflict and the material turn within religious studies. This way, this volume sets the stage for the development of new conceptual and methodological directions in the study of religion-related violent conflict that takes materiality seriously.
Lucien van Liere, Ph.D. (2006), is Associate Professor of Religion and Violence at Utrecht University. He has published many articles and book chapters on religion, conflict, and violence and has edited several volumes including Contesting Religious Identities (Brill 2017). Erik Meinema, Ph.D. (2021), is lecturer in Religious Studies at Utrecht University. His research focuses on religious coexistence in Kenya and he has published peer-reviewed articles in journals such as Religion, Africa, and the Journal of Religion in Africa.
Contributors are Christoph Baumgartner, Margaretha van Es, Lucien van Liere, Erik Meinema, Birgit Meyer, Daan F. Oostveen, Younes Saramifar, Joram Tarusarira, Tammy Wilks.
| | "The Rise of the Mongols: Five Chinese Sources" by Christopher Atwood
Price: $16.00 (Paperback)
Rise of the Mongols offers readers a selection of five important works that detail the rise of the Mongol Empire through Chinese eyes. Three of these works were written by officials of South China's Southern Song dynasty and two are from officials from North China writing in the service of the Mongol rulers. Together, these accounts offer a view of the early Mongol Empire very different not just from those of Muslim and Christian travelers and chroniclers, but also from the Mongol tradition embodied in The Secret History of Mongols. The five Chinese source texts (in English translation, each with their own preface): Selections from Random Notes from Court and Country since the Jianyan Years, vol.2, by Li Xinchuan "A Memorandum on the Mong-Tatars," by Zhao Gong "A Sketch of the Black Tatars," by Peng Daya and Xu Ting "Spirit-Path Stele for His Honor Yelü, Director of the Secretariat," by Song Zizhen "Notes on a Journey," by Zhang Dehui
Also included are an introduction, index, bibliography, and appendices covering notes on the texts, tables and charts, and a glossary of Chinese and transcribed terms.
Christopher P. Atwood is Department Chair and Professor of Mongolian and Chinese Frontier & Ethnic History at University of Pennsylvania Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations. He received his Ph.D. from Indiana University’s Central Eurasian Studies Department, where he taught for two decades and served as department chair and interim director of the Center for Languages of the Central Asian Region. |
| | "Fish Shoes: A Palace Drama" by Dianne Wolff
Price: Available online for free this semester
What happens when the Princess Supreme, the favorite daughter of Emperor Khubilai Khan of China must convince her father, the richest and most powerful man in the world, to listen to her husband, the King of Korea, and not invade Japan by sea?
Diane Wolff is the author of the Silk Road Series, about five major characters, the heirs of Chinggis Khan (Genghis Khan). Because the Supreme Khan was considered a "barbarian", these stories have been lost to the West. The series is original and is the product of twenty-five years of research based on the work of her mentor Morris Rossabi, the biographer of Khubilai Khan. Diane is an independent scholar, and a widely published journalist. book reviewer and blogger on her author website. She recently delivered talks at the Mongolian Cultural Center in Washington, D. C., introducing the first book in the series, for their annual conference. She gave a virtual talk for the American Center for Mongolian Studies on the occasion of the book launch for the second book in the Silk Road Series, Batu, Khan of the Golden Horde: The Mongol Khans Conquer Russia.
*This book has been nominated for the Freeman Book Award of the National Consortium of Teachers about Asia.
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