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This Month in Mongolian Studies is a monthly listing of selected academic activities, resources and other material related to Mongolia. This list is based on information the ACMS has received and is presented as a service to its members. If you would like to submit information to be included in next month's issue please contact the ACMS at info@mongoliacenter.orgThis publication is supported in part by memberships. Please consider becoming a member of the ACMS, or renewing your membership by visiting our website at mongoliacenter.org/join. Thank you!
ACMS Announcements, News and Media References

It is gratifying to be back in Mongolia after five years away. Driving from Chingghis Khan International Airport to downtown Ulaanbaatar at midnight, my first thought was that many things had changed -- new roads, new buildings, more traffic, lots of late night shops, bars and restaurants. Walking around in daylight the next day, my later thought was more along the lines of "same same but different".
Part of most days have been spent in the ACMS country office, appreciating more than ever the commitment, dedication and skills of our ACMS staff in Ulaanbaatar: Resident Mongolia Country Director Tricia Turbold, General Manager B. Baigalmaa, Language Program Manager T. Tsermaa, Library and Media Assistant T. Gantungalag and Cultural Heritage Program Assistant T. Tuvshinzaya. I have also enjoyed meeting the first two ACMS Fellows for 2018 as they arrive in Mongolia and start their various research projects.
In a very real way, our return to Mongolia started when we boarded our MIAT flight in Beijing to the sounds of Jantsannorov's White Stupa, an all-time favorite. Fellow passengers included someone who had worked at the Millennium Challenge Account several years ago; later, we connected with other Mongolian friends, colleagues and acquaintances from the past on the streets of Ulaanbaatar, in shops and restaurants and even in taxis!
Meetings in recent days have included discussions with a number of ACMS partners, stakeholders and others:
American Chamber of Commerce American University of Mongolia Ed Neff Foundation Julie Veloo Foundaton Mercy Corps Ministry of Education National Defense University National Museum National University of Education President's Office USAID US Embassy
I expect to meet other "Friends of ACMS" during my last two weeks in Mongolia, concluding with the ACMS-sponsored and Luce Foundation-funded Cultural Heritage Conference scheduled to take place at ACMS on Friday, June 15. As always, I welcome thoughts, comments and suggestions via e-mail, including suggestions regarding others to meet and connect with during these final two weeks in Ulaanbaatar: jaddleton@mongoliacenter.org
Jonathan Addleton Executive Director, American Center for Mongolian Studies
This year's ACMS summer Mongolian language program begins in mid June. The program lasts for eight weeks, with an additional week added for Nadaam. Five Mongolian Language Fellows are included in this year's program, with participants coming from both France and the United States.
For ACMS members who share common research interests and may want to connect with one or more of this year's ACMS Fellows, here is the most recent list of ACMS Fellows along with their institutional affiliation and area of focus:
Cynthia S. Brown (Colorado State University): Mongolian Sustainable Rangeland Collaborative"
Jean M. Caldieron (Florida Atlantic University): Ger Detection, Changes, and Urban Growth Models for Informal Settlements in Ulaanbaatar Using Remote Sensing Techniques
Joseph Cleveland (Indiana University): Publics, Bureaucracy, and the Built Environment in Contemporary Ulaanbaatar
Alexander C. Diener (University of Kansas): Axial Development in Mongolia: Intended and Unintended Effects of New Roads
Eduardo Hazera (University of Texas at Austin): Is Herd Composition Transforming Herder-Livestock Communication? An Interdisciplinary Examination of Musical Communication in Mongolia
Christopher McCarthy (Johns Hopkins University): Secrets of the Sand: A Spatial Inventory of Mongolia's Ancient Caravan Route to Lhasa
Kristen R. Pearson (University of Pennsylvania): An Anthropological Approach to the Study of Mongolian Textiles
Thalea Stokes (University of Chicago): "Real Mongols": Hip-hop as a Mediator for Mongol Identity Expression Inside and Outside of Mongolia
Earlier this year ACMS updated its list of ACMS institutional members, each of which is also represented on the ACMS Board. As presented at the most recent ACMS Board Meeting in Washington, DC in March 2018, the following institutions are considered as active ACMS institutional members for the 2018 calendar year; of course, we always welcome additional members -- if you are interested in having your institution added to this list, please contact ACMS at the following e-mail address: info@mongoliacenter.org
"Regular" Institutional Members (24) Austin College Colorado State University Columbia University Embassy of Canada Indiana University International School of Ulaanbaatar Macalester College Montana State University Principia College Rutgers University School of International Training (SIT) Smithsonian Institute University of Alaska - Anchorage University of Arizona University of British Columbia University of California - Berkeley University of Chicago University of Kansas University of Nebraska University of New Mexico University of North Georgia University of Wisconsin Western Washington University Yale University
Reciprocal Institutional Members (6) Arts Council of Mongolia Buryat State University Business Council of Mongolia Mercer University National University of Mongolia Royal Roads University University of Pennsylvania
ACMS Sponsored Programs and Events
The American Center for Mongolian Studies (ACMS) Cultural Heritage Program (CHP) is organizing a conference scheduled to take place from 9 AM to 5 PM on Friday, June 15, 2018 in Ulaanbaatar related to the Henry Luce Foundation-sponsored Cultural Heritage Program and other cultural heritage-related topics in Mongolia.
Past CHP/Luce Fellows are especially encouraged to participate, though participation is open and free of charge to all interested parties. The conference will be held in English and involve both presentations and posters in English on topics related to Mongolian culture heritage, both from traditional disciplines such as anthropology, archaeology and history and from other disciplines not traditionally associated with cultural heritage themes such as biology, economics, politics, ecology, medicine and others. All papers must have a clear cultural heritage linkage.
Participation is free and does not involve a registration fee. To register, please send a 100-200 word abstract in English by June 1st in English to the ACMS Cultural Heritage Coordinator, Dr. Julia Clark at jclark@mongoliacenter.org
If you would like to attend without presenting a poster, please register by June 8, 2018 via the Cultural Heritage Conference website.
Julia Clark: "Looting and Climate Change Threats to Mongolian Archaeology and Cultural Heritage" (5:30 PM on Tuesday, June 5 at the American Corner, Ulaanbaatar Public Library
Both looting and shifting climate norms have a long history in Mongolia, as in many other regions of the world. However, there is increasing evidence that both are impacting Mongolian archaeological sites and cultural heritage at unprededented levels. Neither looting nor climate change are simple issues with easy solutions or goals that are applicable in every case. This presentation will discuss the impact of climate change and looting on archaeology in Mongolia today, as well as steps being taken to protect Mongolia's priceless cultural heritage from these threats.
Julia Clark is Cultural Heritage Coordinator for the American Center for Mongolian Studies (ACMS), the founder of NOMAD Science, an Associate Director for Bioregions International and an adjunct lecturer at Finders University in Australia. Dr. Clark, an anthropological archaeologist, has conducted research in Mongolia since 2007. She just completed an Endeavor Fellowship in Australia aimed at improving Mongolian-Australian-US archaeological ties.
 The ACMS Cultural Heritage Program with support from the Henry Luce Foundation is sponsoring one Mongolian citizen who works or studies in the field of museum education to participate in a School Programs internship at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York in Fall 2018.
The intern will work with the School Programs team to support planning, organization and implementation of a wide range of programs for K-12 student, both onsite and offsite. The intern will attend and participate in the fall 2018 docent-training workshop held each Monday during the length of the program and learn about object-centered learning. He or she will support other staff members and volunteers who lead K-12 Thematic Tours. Other internship programs will be assigned by Rubin staff, based on the applicant's skills and interests.
Positions Available: One
Overview: The Rubin Museum of Art in New York is home to a comprehensive collection of art from the Himalayas and surrounding regions. Through changing exhibits and an array of engaging public programs, the Rubin Museum offers opportunities to explore the artistic legacy of the Himalayan region and to appreciate its place in the context of world cultures.
For more information about the museum, please visit: www.rubinmuseum.org
Commitment: 35 hours per week
Intern Activities: Interns in all museum departments are invited to participate in several group activities during the semester: -- Brown-bag lunches: staff guests discuss their jobs as well as their education, professional and artistic backgrounds, allowing interns to learn about various museum departments and careers. -- Private tours of New York City cultural organizations: these trips are designed to expose interns to the broader New York City world, as well as the field of Himalayan studies. Past tours have included Asia Society, Latse Contemporary Tibetan Cultural Library and other foundations and institutions.
Intern Benefits: This internship provides a stipend to cover travel, housing assistance and basic costs from ACMS but is otherwise unpaid. Academic requirements may be fulfilled by arrangement with the individual college or university. Rubin Museum interns receive a number of benefits including free admission at museums across the country; free admission to Rubin Museum programs when available; 10 percent discount on food and beverage at Cafe Serai; 25 percent discount on most items in the Rubin shop; 40 percent discount on Rubin Museum publications; 25 percent discount on gift memberships; and invitation to annual Volunteer Appreciation event.
How to Apply: Please write a one-page cover letter which specifies your relevant qualifications, your interest in the Rubin Museum of Art and your availability (days/times). Additionally, please submit a 1-2 page statement outlining how you will transmit your new skllls to the Mongolian museum community upon your return from the internship.
Application deadline: June 9, 2018
Please attach the cover letter, statement and resume as PDF files to your e-mail, with all files containing a format as follows: If the appplicant is named John Smith, their files should look like "SMITHJ_coverletter.pdf"; "SMITHJ_resume.pdf"; and SMITHJ_statement.pdf"
E-mail Subject Line: Name of internship and your name
Please e-mail your resume and cover letter to: Julia Clark, ACMS Cultural Heritage Coordinator jclark@mongoliacenter.org
Randall K. Barry, Chief of the Asian and Middle Eastern Division at the Library of Congress, recently announced that the Library has received funding to hire a permanent Mongolian librarian -- and wants to spread the news about this job opening as far and wide as possible.
If interested, please feel free to contact Randall directly:
Randall K. Barry Library of Congress Asian and Middle Eastern Division 101 Independence Ave, SE Washington, DC 20540-4220
E-Mail: RBAR@LOC.GOV Phone: +1 202 707 5118 Mobile: +1 703 244 1232
Please send any queries right away as this job opening closes in early June!
Research Fellowships, Scholarships and Grants

The NEW Humanities Collections and Reference Resources (HCRR) program supports projects that provide an essential underpinning for scholarship, education, and public programming in the humanities. Thousands of libraries, archives, museums, and historical organizations across the country maintain important collections of books and manuscripts, photographs, sound recordings and moving images, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, art and material culture, and digital objects. Funding from this program strengthens efforts to extend the life of such materials and make their intellectual content widely accessible, often through the use of digital technology. Awards are also made to create various reference resources that facilitate use of cultural materials, from works that provide basic information quickly to tools that synthesize and codify knowledge of a subject for in-depth investigation . HCRR offers two kinds of awards: (1) for implementation and (2) for planning, assessment, and pilot efforts (HCRR Foundations awards).
(Note: During the last five competitions, the Humanities Collections and Reference Resources program received an average of 216 applications per year. The program made an average of 40 awards per year, for a funding ratio of 19 percent. The number of applications to an NEH grant program can vary widely from year to year, as can the funding ratio. Information about the average number of applications and awards in recent competitions is meant only to provide historical context for the current competition. Information on the number of applications and awards in individual competitions is available from preservation@neh.gov.)
Questions? Program questions should be directed to NEH's Division of Preservation and Access at 202-606-8570 or preservation@neh.gov. For more information, see this link and this link.
Please note several additional links to NEH-sponsored Humanities programs:
Humanities Initiatives at Community CollegesDeadline: July 19, 2018
Humanities Initiatives at Hispanic-Serving InstitutionsDeadline: July 19, 2018
Humanities Initiatives at Historically Black Colleges and UniversitiesDeadline: July 19, 2018
Humanities Initiatives at Tribal Colleges and UniversitiesDeadline: July 19, 2018 The full list of NEH grant opportunites is available at this link |
The SIT/World Learning Study Abroad Program in Mongolia will host its annual Independent Study/Internship Presentation Seminar in Ulaanbaatar City Public Library (D. Natsagdorj Library) on Seoul Street beginning at 9 AM on Tuesday, June 5.
The schedule for this year's SIT Independent Study/Internship Presentation is as follows:
9:00 AM Opening Remarks
Mrs. S. Ulziijargal, Academic Director,
SIT Study Abroad Mongolia (A World Learning Program)
9:10 AM Of Bread and Dignity: The Culture and Identity of Food
Madeline Williams, University of Arkansas
9:40 AM Impact of Mongolian National Federation of Pasture User Groups on Undurshireet Soum
Austin Jackson, University of Arkansas
10:10 AM Coming in Hot: Motor Vehicles, Capitalism, and Modernization
Thea Bergen, University of Oregon
10:40 AM LHAMOUR: The Business of Inclusivity
Julieta Cervantes, Knox College
11:10 AM Break
11:45 PM Raising a Winner: Contemporary Horse Racing Practices in Mongolia
Lindsay Cohen, Lake Forest College
12:15 PM Nature and Nomads: Service Approach to Authentic and Quality Mongolian Tours
Jesse Shircliff, Gettysburg College
12:45 PM Sexuality and Society in Mongolia: A Culture of Silence
Abbott Hays, University of Illinois at Chicago
For more details on SIT Study Abroad programs, see this link
Sas Carey from Nomadicare is working this summer on Nomadicare's fourth feature documentary, Transition: Nomads at Risk. It will explore the life of Khongoroo who grew up as a Dukha reinder herder and is now a medical doctor. The film will "follow her wherever her life leads," depicting how she "manages the transition to another life, how she keeps connected to her people and what she holds and loses of her culture as she joins the modern world".
For more details, contact Sas Carey at sas@nomadicare.ORG
Nomadicare website: www.nomadicare.org
Link to trailer for new documentary: Transition: Nomads at Risk
Link to trailer for 2016 documentary: Migration
Ulaanbaatar has been a chosen to host the International Conference on Democracy on July 9-10, based partly on Mongolia's unique experience of democratic transiton. This year also marks the 10th anniversary of the Independent Research Institute of Mongolia (IRIM), the conference organizer. Other sponsors included the World Society Foundation (WSF)
The conference language will be English. There is no registration fee. A total of 16 international scholars from 14 different countries will join 8 Mongolian scholars in presenting papers, the best of which will be published as part of the WSF's ongoing book series titled "World Society Studies". Travel grants will be issued for three Mongolian scholars abroad who wish to participate. The deadline for applications is May 4.
Original work from both Mongolian and international scholars is welcome, especially related to conference focus areas: (1) urban/rural cleavages and democracy; (2) civil society and democracy; and (3) extractive economics, resource-rich countries and democracy.
For more information, visit the following website: www.irim.mn
Feel free to also contact the following e-mail address: Erdenetsetseg@irim.man
As part of an effort to strengthen academic exchanges among scholars and promote Mongolian Studies, the Inner Mongolian Academy of Social Science, Inner Mongolian University and Chinese Association for Mongolian Studies will jointly hold the Fifth International Symposium on Mongolian Studies in Hohhot City (Inner Mongolia) on August 11-13, 2018
The theme this year is Mongolian Culture and Modern Civilization. The program will focus on four main areas: (1) Mongolian language; (2) Mongolian history; (3) Mongolian literature; and (4) Nomadic Culture.
For those interested in submitting papers, an English title and abstract is required. Abstracts should be no more than 500 words and papers no more than 8,000 words. Papers may be in Mongolian, Chinese or English. PDF versions of papers should be sent to the e-mail address shown below by May 15, 2018.
There are no conference, food or accomodation fees. However, participants will need to pay for their own transportation.
For more details including on submitting and formatting papers, please contact Bai Tuya (086- 0471-4956930 or 086-15847168917) or He Yongzhe (086-0471 4957343 or 086- 13474705047); the email contact point is: kezuchu@sina.cn
Address: Research Organization, Inner Mongolia Academy of Social Science, No 129 Daxue East Road, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, PR China
The Great Mongolian Bowling League of the United States of America by Ed Borowsky; 128 pages; paperback: $9.95; kindle: $5.95 (Dovetail Alliance Publishing, 2017)
The Great Mongolian Bowling League provides an interesting example of the way in which various ideas of Mongolia set their mark on popular American culture, one that goes beyond the usual themes focused on nature, throat singing and the endless steppe.
As the publisher decribes it, "For a change of scenery from their Florida mobile home, longtime roommates Harold and Murray go to Disney for the weekend. But these two senior citizens find more excitement than they bargain for when they visit the bowling alley next to their motel on International Drive".
Kirkus Reviews picks up the narrative of this interesting comic novella further, noting that the two retirees "meet Tomorbaatar and Kulan, two young Mongolian-Americans practicing for the first-ever Mongolian Bowling League tournament. Harold and Murray are invited to play with them after they lose two teammates, but when Harold unexpectedly bowls a perfect game, he upsets a fix by the bowling-alley owners . . . As Harold continues to bowl miraculously well, he finds redemption for events in his past, brings attention to Mongolia and its people, and finds a way to make everyone happy".
According to the publisher, "Action unfolds in a beautiful comedic tale that illustrates that although we come from worlds apart, we share a common humanity. Can Harold roll perfection and live? The outcome will impact millions and warm you heart".
Former businessman Ed Borowsky states that he was "inspired to write this debut novella after meeting a Mongolian taxi driver, who told him about the important role bowling has played in forming and sustaining communities of new Mongolian Americans at a time when many were struggling to find their place in a new land". Now retired, he lives in Winter Park, Florida.
My Mongolia: A Personal Encounter by J. Peter Morrow: 384 pages; paperback: 30,000 togrogs (Ulaanbaatar: Nepko Publishing, 2017)
Many travellers and long-time residents of Mongolia during the last seventeen years will be familiar with Pete Morrow, the international banker from Arizona who arrived in Ulaanbaatar in 2000 to turn around the struggling and twice bankrupted Agricultural Bank of Mongolia. His herculean task was to help lead the struggling 80-year-old institution into the twentyfirst century and turn it into a competitive and sustainable modern institution. Under his leadership, the bank was indeed transformed into today's Xaan Bank with hundreds of branches scattered across the country. Upon completion of this project, Pete stayed in Mongolia and made it his home.
My Mongolia is the very personal account of Pete's journey, starting with the details of his work in turning the Agricultural Bank into Xaan Bank. It also includes interesting and informative details of his travels as well as his political, economic and cultural encounters with Mongolia over nearly two decades, including his engagement with Mongolian artists, his role in founding the Xaan Bank art collection and his involvement in the Arts Council of Mongolia. Both well written and well organized, My Mongolia stands as a lasting legacy to Pete's large-than-life personality as well as his life, work, interest and commitment to the country.
The late J. Peter Morrow (1947-2016) was educated at Harvard, Georgetown and Loyola University. Prior to moving to Mongolia in 2000, he worked in Romania, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. He was a founding member of the Business Council of Mongolia and helped establish the Arts Council of Mongolia. In 2007 he received the Polar Star, Mongolia's highest civilian award, from the President of Mongolia.
Ceremony in Stone: The Biluut Petroglyph Complex: Prehistoric Rock Art in the Mongolian Altai by Richard D. Kortum: 218 pages; paperback; 28,700 togrogs (Ulaanbaatar: Nepko Publishing, 2018)
This interesting and attractive large-size book provides another important contribution toward documenting and preserving one of Mongolia's most fascinating artistic legacies -- petroglyphs. Based on photographs, observations and records taken during multiple trips to the Altai over more than twelve years, it focuses specifically on the Biluut complex in the northwest corner of Mongolia's westernmost Bayan Ulgii aimag.
Kortum and his colleagues have recorded some 12,000 petroglyphs in Biluut, almost all of them found in six separate sites spread over a wide area. Most are attributed to the Bronze age. Some twenty different types of animals are depicted. One image shows a chariot and charioteer in full gallop, racing just behind another speeding horse and rider. Very unusually, another image depicts a woman giving birth.
Kortum's explanatory text, provided in English and Mongolian, provides a useful overview of rock art in Mongolia, especially as it relates to the Biluut complex situated not far from the town of Ulgii. The study of this ancient site, seemingly used as a place for ritual and ceremonial activity for thousands of years, remains ongoing. However, Ceremony in Stone will give general readers a highly informative early written and visual introduction to what is clearly one of the most impressive rock art sites in Mongolia, one that very much needs to be preserved and maintained for future generations.
Dr. Richard D. Kortum is Professor Emeritus of East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, TN.
Information Security: Emerging Issues in Theory and Practice: Proceedings from an International Conference sponsored by the Mongolian Ministry of Defense, Institute for Defense Studies and Mongolian National Defense University: 105 pages; paperback; no price given (Ulaanbaatar: Mongolian National Defense University, 2018)
This slim volume, issued with a print run of only 150 copies, provides a useful example of one of the series of such conferences sponsored by the Mongolian National Defense University in recent years, in this case focused explicitly on information security concerns (previous such conferences have focused on a number of related issues including broader economic, strategic and security issues as they pertain to Northeast Asia).
Topics covered in Information Security reflect the interests of various speakers, with several researchers from China, Russia and South Korea providing their perspectives. Researchers with an interest in Mongolia will be especially drawn to presentations specifically covering Mongolia, given the importance of information security world-wide and the fact that Mongolia too is beginning to have to address them, with a view toward shaping new approaches even as information technology continues to change.
More broadly, this just-released volume reflects interest on the part of the Mongolian National Defense University to address emerging security concerns writ large, in part by organizing annual conferences such as this and then publishing the proceedings afterwards to help make them available to a wider audience.
Volume 19 (2017) of the journal Inner Asia, published twice annually by Brill in Leiden, contains a number of interesting articles on Mongolia, including Orhon Myadar's "In the Soviet Shadow: Soviet Colonial Politics in Mongolia" (pp 5-28); Denise A. Austin's "The 'Third Spreading': Origins and Development of Protestant Evangelical Christianity in Contermorary Mongolia" (pp. 64-90); and Rebekah Plueckhan's "The Power of Faulty Paperwork: Bureacratic Negotiation, Land Access and Personal Innovation in Ulaanbaatar" (pp. 91-90).
In the Wake of the Mongols: The Making of a New Social Order in North China, 1200-1600 by Jinping Wang; 370 pages; $49.95 (Harvard University Press, 2018)
Issued as Number 116 in the Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series and with a publication date of November 2018, this book recounts what the publisher describes as "the riveting story of how northern Chinese men and women adapted to these trying circumstances and interacted with their alien Mongol conquerers to create a drastically new social order. To construct this story the book uses a previously unknown source of inscriptions recorded on stone tablets".
As the publisher also notes, "Jinping Wang explores a north China where Mongol patrons, Daoist priests, Buddhist monks, and sometimes single women—rather than Confucian gentry—exercised power and shaped events, a portrait that upends the conventional view of imperial Chinese society. Setting the stage by portraying the late Jin and closing by tracing the Mongol period’s legacy during the Ming dynasty, she delineates the changing social dynamics over four centuries in the northern province of Shanxi, still a poorly understood region".
Jinping Wang is Assistant Professor of History at the National University of Singapore
Proverbes & Dictons de Mongolie ("Proverbs and Sayings of Mongolia"); translated and interpreted by Marc Alaux and Charlotte Marchina; calligraphy by Togoobatyn Jamyansuren; 96 pages; 13 Euros (GeoRama Editions, 2018)
This book is part of a series of similar French-languague volumes presenting proverbs and sayings from Uzbekistan, Japan and elsewhere. According to the publisher, "Organic, trivial and sometimes funny, as well as wise and distanced, the Mongolian proverbs transport us to the heart of the steppe: on horseback, in the smell and warmth of the herd, in the middle of the hills, in the intimacy of the yurt . . . They immerse us in the daily life of nomadic pastoralists, among the people of Genghis Khan. And miracuously, these wind-chopped maxims of the great Asian meadows echo our western sedentary lives".
Marc Alaux, born in 1976, was an archeologist before becoming an editor and bookseller. He travelled for two and a half years in Mongolia, walking 7,000 kilometers. He is the author of several books including "Under the Yurts of Mongolia".
Charlotte Marchina, born in 1987, is an anthropologist who studied the language and culture of Mongolia for several years. Her doctoral thesis is on nomadic pastoralism.
Togoobatyn Jamyansuren, born in 1974, is recognized as one of the most prominent calligraphers in Mongolia. He is also an artist, illustrator, engraver and silversmith whose works have been widely exhibited in Mongolia, France and elsewhere.
The Silk Road (Volume 15), edited by Daniel Waugh; 218 pages; free download (Annual journal of the Silk Road Foundation)
Volume 15 of the on-line journal The Silk Road covers a range of material and includes numerous photos, maps, drawings and other images. Articles also cover a range of subjects including ancient fortresses in Afghanistan's Wakhan region; caravanserais in the Mongol Golden Horde; and recent discoveries at a Turkic fortress in Kazakhstan. Other topics include a new analysis of the use of silver coins in Gaochang along the Northern Silk Road and articles about cross-cultural exchange: a ruler in Egypt who recognized his Central Asian heritage; items in museum collections connected with the “migration” of centaurs across Asia; connections involving Unified Silla Korea with the West; the deposit in a museum in the Urals of a relic from Timurid Samarkand; and the Chingissid legacy in post-Mongol East Asia. Photo essays cover Sasanian reliefs in Iran; the legacy of the Liao; and the importance of water across the Silk Roads. Finally, Volume 15 incude symposia reports and several book reviews and notices.
Volume 15 also contains a listing of the contents of the first fifteen issues of The Silk Road covering the period 2003 through 2017, an invaluable resource and especially valuable contribution for all those interested in scholarship on Central Asia and Mongolia, some of which is difficult to access and not always widely available.
Volume 15 is freely available on line at: https://edspace.american.edu/silkroadjournal/wp-content/uploads/sites/984/2018/01/srjournal_v15.pdf>, or alternatively at: <http://www.silkroadfoundation.org/newsletter/vol15/srjournal_v15.pdf>
Print copies, sent free of charge to academic libraries, should be in the mail next month. Back numbers are also available. Volume 15 is the last issue that is also being printed in hard copy; future issues will only be available as an open access on-line publication.
This is the final volume The Silk Road edited by Daniel Waugh (now editor emeritus) at the University of Washington. Future volumes will be edited by Professor Justin Jacobs at American University in Washington, DC. All submissions and correspondence regarding future volumes should be addressed to him at: <jjacobs@american.edu>
Finally, please note that past issues of The Silk Road are available at a newly created website (all new volumes will be posted only at this website): <https://edspace.american.edu/silkroadjournal/>