Subject: Reminder: Speaker Series - Burmaa & Sumjidmaa - May 2, Tuesday, 5:30 PM, Natsagdorj library

ACMS Speaker Series
 Rangeland Management in Mongolia
Speakers: Burmaa Dashbal, Sumjidmaa Sainnemekh

5:30 PM, Tuesday May 2nd 2017, American Corner, Ulaanbaatar public library

Mongolian rangelands, which make up about 65 percent of the country’s land, support the livelihood of herders and diverse wildlife populations. However, climate change and rapid increase in the number of livestock, currently estimated to be more than 60 million, are putting pressure on the rangeland and causing increased desertification and extreme climatic events, such as dzud. These changes not only affect the livelihood of herders that depend on the land, but also have broader impact on the country as herders continue to seek better economic opportunities in urban areas. Two recent U.S. government-funded Borlaug Fellowship recipients will discuss their latest research on rangeland management and share their experience during the fellowship. 

The Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship program was established in 2004 to promote food security and economic growth by providing training and collaborative research opportunities in fellows from developing and middle-incoming countries. The fellowship runs from 8-12 weeks, and fellows are partnered with a mentor from a U.S. land grant university, research center, or government agency. Mongolia participated in the fellowship for the first time in 2016.

Co-Sponsored by the American Cultural and Information Center, Ulaanbaatar
About the Presenters: Burmaa Dashbal, Sumjidmaa Sainnemekh

Ms. Burmaa Dashbal is a Researcher at Mongolia’s Agency on Land Affairs, Geodesy, and Cartography. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Mongolian University of Life Sciences (MULS) and master’s degrees from MULS and Szent Istvan University in Hungary. 

Ms. Sumjidmaa Sainnemkh is a researcher at the Information and Research Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology, and Environment.

Both researchers completed their Borlaug Fellowship at New Mexico State University.

For more information visit the ACMS website

Thank you to the American Corner and the Natsagdorj Library for sponsoring this event.


The American Center for Mongolian Studies is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting scholarship in Mongolian Studies.

ACMS, Ulaanbaatar Public Library - East entrance, Seoul street-7, Sukhbaatar District
Phone: (976) 7711-0486, e-mail: 

American Center for Mongolian Studies, 642 Williams Hall, 255 S. 36th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104, United States
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