Subject: Reminder: ACMS Annual Meeting and Reception THIS FRIDAY 7-10pm, Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego
American Center for Mongolian Studies
11th Annual Meeting 2013 –
San Diego
Cultural Program and Mongolia Poster Session
March 22, 7:00-10:00pm
Grand Hyatt, Ballroom Edward B/C
The ACMS will celebrate its 11th anniversary annual meeting with a reception, cultural program, poster presentation and annual business meeting held in the Grand Ballroom West of the Sheraton Centre Hotel from 7:00-10:00pm on Friday March 22, 2013. The meeting is held in conjunction with the Association of Asian Studies (AAS) annual conference. The ACMS reception and cultural program are free and open to all interested parties.
The cultural program will include Mongolian music and food, and is being organized in conjunction with the Los Angeles Area Mongolian Association. A poster display highlighting academic research and cultural topics related to Mongolia will be held during the reception. To propose a poster or display for the session, please send a brief abstract or description (no more than 250 words) to Baigalmaa at before March 1, 2012. Posters and displays will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Program and Mongolia Poster Session
Hyatt, Ballroom Edward B/C
The reception and poster session are free and open to the public. Mongolian food and drink will be available, along with Mongolian cultural performances. Posters and information tables will be displayed around the ballroom, and poster presenters will be available to discuss their research and cultural work.
Annual Membership
Meeting - 7:30pm-8:00pm
Hyatt, Ballroom Edward B/C
The ACMS annual membership meeting will include an update on ACMS operations and programs with reports by ACMS US Director David Dettmann.
For more information or directions, please contact the ACMS at
Persons interested in presenting a poster can visit the ACMS website for information. Additional event details and a list of poster presenters will be posted on the ACMS website in advance of the meeting at