Subject: Invitation to the Inaugural Young Researcher Forum, August 13-15, 2015, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Jointly organized by the American Center for Mongolian Studies 
and Mongolian National University of Education
The first International Young Researchers Forum aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and promote research collaboration by bringing together young Mongolian and International researchers who have an interest in focusing their academic research on Mongolian themes. 

Through facilitated exchanges, the participants will have a chance to share their knowledge, experience and expertise in order to enhance the overall quality of research and discover potential new areas of study.

Enrollment is limited.  Interested participants are encouraged to register early.

Research Forum: 13–14 August 2015 | Mongolian National University of Education

Field Trip: 15 August 2015 | Nalgar Resort (56 km from Ulaanbaatar)

About the Forum
The forum will focus on three clustered themes: Physical Life Sciences, Social Sciences, and Culture and Linguistics. 

Further breakdown of the areas of research are listed below. Delegates will begin the forum focusing on one stream and over the two days morph into a collective sharing and participate in the development of strategic recommendations for the enhancement of future collaborative research opportunities.
Who Should Attend?
We welcome all undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral researchers under the age of 35, whose area of concentration includes Mongolian themes, issues and subject matter are encouraged to participate. 

Participants do not have to be currently associated with an academic institution, but should be actively involved in some form of research or development activity in Mongolia.

Registration & Fees
The conference is available free of charge to Mongolian and international researchers. 

The forum badge provides admission to all keynotes, seminars, three parallel streams on both days of the forum, two tea-breaks and lunch on each day and the field trip. 

If you are interested in being part of the Forum, please fill out the online registration form under the Registration tab.
American Center for Mongolian Studies, 642 Williams Hall, 255 S. 36th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104, United States
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