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ACMS UB Office Celebrates 10 Years
UB Staff at anniversary event |
On May 21, 2014 the American Center for Mongolian Studies (ACMS) celebrated the 10th anniversary of the opening of its Ulaanbaatar representative office with a reception and office grand opening event. The Mongolian Minister of Culture. Tourism and Sport, Oyungerel, offered congratulations to the ACMS for its many years of support for academic research in Mongolia, and its efforts to promote academic exchanges between Mongolia and international countries. US Ambassador to Mongolia Piper Wind Campbell offered her support for the ACMS, and noted that the US Government and US Embassy work closely with the ACMS to support academic research and exchanges between the United States and Mongolia. Representatives of several other countries, including Canada and Australia were also present to offer their congratulations. ACMS Executive Director Dr. Charles Krusekopf noted, "The ACMS plays a key role in building knowledge about Mongolia in the world, and in bringing the world of knowledge to Mongolia." Dr. Krusekopf highlighted that the future of Mongolian Studies is bright, and interest in academic research in Mongolia has been growing in recent years. Read More>> |
Move of ACMS US office to University of Pennsylvania
David Dettmann at his new office at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia |
As some of you already knew, since our Annual Meeting in Philadelphia in March the ACMS has been working on a transition of our US office from the University of Wisconsin to the University of Pennsylvania. I am very pleased to announce that the transition is now complete! Please note our new US mailing address: 642 Williams Hall, 255 S 36th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
This move came after a series of very positive discussions between the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, its faculty and staff, and the ACMS. The University of Pennsylvania has a number of Mongolia/Inner Asia-focused faculty, and they have been enthusiastic supporters of the move. In addition to the network of support through the Center for East Asian Studies and the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and through faculty at other departments within the university, the broader Philadelphia and East Coast region is home to many our allies, many of our members and past and present donors. We look forward to many new collaborations Read More>> |
Letter from the Executive Director
Charles Krusekopf |
In May I had the opportunity to travel to Ulaanbaatar to help celebrate the 10th anniversary of the opening of the ACMS office and Research Library. We combined the event together with the Grand Opening of our new office space in the Natsagdorj Library, where we moved late last year. As for our original Grand Opening, held in May 2004, we had over 100 guests in attendance, but this time the party was special because we were able to highlight many of the people whose lives we have impacted in the last ten years and celebrate the contributions of all the members and friends of the ACMS. Numerous fellowship recipients were present, along with local users of our library collection, people who come regularly to our Speaker Series events and other friends from Mongolia and many other countries around the world. I heard again and again from researchers how the ACMS has made their work both possible and easier through the fellowships we have provided, through our help connecting scholars from around the globe with Mongolia counterparts and maximizing the impact of precious research time in Mongolia by offering our assistance with logistical challenges and providing resource support through our office staff and library Read More >>
Marc Tassé |
Things have been very busy this year in Ulaanbaatar! We have been continuing with our Books for Mongolia program, and we have been working on several new initiatives, together with new and existing institutional, governmental, and business partners.
In February the ACMS began the distribution of the first shipment of the Books for Mongolia program. Donations were made to over 85 schools, universities, libraries and public organizations. Some of the noteworthy donations went to the Institute of Finance and Economics, the National Legal Library, the University of Khovd. A special book donation was made to the Mother’s and Children’s hospital of Mongolia, where a new children’s reading room was created. I was joined by the Asia Foundation’s Deputy Director Tirza Theunissen and Flubright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Aleah Goldin in leading reading activities and games for the children. Read More>>
2014 Fellowship Recipients
In the spring grant cycle, the ACMS awarded 7 fellowships in the areas of field research, 1 for library services, and 1 for language study. The recipients represent a broad spectrum of areas of interest. We would like to congratulate them all and wish them a great experience this summer in Mongolia. The awardees and their proposed projects are listed below by fellowship program.
Field Research Fellowship ACMS Field Research Fellowships permit US citizens to spend 1-3 months conducting field research projects in Mongolia. Funding is provided the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs through a grant by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers.
Caleb Pan, (University of Montana) "Paleo climate reconstruction and assessing the contribution of glaciers to the stream flow in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia"
Thomas Conte, (Stony Brook University) "A network analysis approach to understanding cooperation among Mongolian herders"
Ellen Platts, (University of Chicago) "Baruun Mukhdagiin Am: Sociological Contexts and Political Implications in the Xiongnu Empire"
Christopher Free, (Rutgers University) "Assessing the motivations and extent of illegal fishing in Mongolia and its potential impact on endangered Mongolian fish species"
Christina Samarkis, (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) "Nationwide Micronutrient Assessment of Mongolian Adults"
Kathryn Harris, (Washington State University) "Flexibility in Stone Tools: The Archaeology of Early Pastoralist Lithic Technology in Northern Mongolia"
Amalia Rubin, (University of Washington) "Urban Shamanism and the Re-Formation Mongolian Identity in the Post-Socialist Period"
Library Fellowship The ACMS Library Fellowship supports US librarians conducting resource development and training projects through the ACMS Research Library in Ulaanbaatar. Funding is provided by the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs through a grant by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers.
William Taylor, (University of New Mexico) "Visualizing The Past: A Three-Dimensional Digital Database for Horse Remains from Mongolian Bronze Age Archaeological Sites"
Language Fellowship The ACMS Language Fellowship supports an individual to study Mongolian tuition-free at the ACMS Summer Language Program in Ulaanbaatar.
Kenneth Linden, (Indiana University)
Field Research Report - Andrew Colwell
While the current ACMS 2014 fellows are finishing up their summer research projects and/or study, we'd like to share a report from one of last year's fellows, Andrew Colwell, of Wesleyan University. His research project, "Networks of Tradition: Mongolian Khöömii ("Throat-singing") Performance in the Post-Socialist Era," took him around Khovd aimag and Ulaanbaatar for interviews with khöömii singers.
"From mid-August to mid-September, I conducted 38 formal interviews (e.g., pre-arranged, recorded sessions) as well as numerous informal ones (e.g., un-arranged, recorded or unrecorded sessions), mostly in conjunction with professional performer, herder, and pedagogue Tserendavaa. These interviews mainly took place in the süm/township of Chandmani in Khovd aimag/province, with the remainder taking place in nearby Dörgön süm/township, Khovd City, and Ulaanbaatar. I also attended occasional performances, ceremonies or lessons, visited imported geological sites for khöömii, and lived pastorally with Tserendavaa through most of my fieldwork. Interviews included several professional performers, numerous herder-performers, several township governors, cultural center directors, music teachers, a handful of students, and even two foreign aficionados traveling through Mongolia. Read More>>
Spring Speaker Series and Scholar's Corner Events
Cyndi McLeod, "Changing Overseas Study Opportunities for the future development of Mongolia" (January 15th)
Dr. Joann Hoffman, "Big Data and Big sharing: A Field Study of Collaborative Health Data Sharing Practice in Mongolia" (February 25th)
Cameron Wright, "Advances in Tuberculosis Project and Community Based Initiatives in Mongolia" (March 11th)
Dr. Odontsetseg Brown, "The Importance of Shared Leadership and Collaboration in Development" (March 25th)
Emma Hite, "The Baruun Mukhdagiin Am (BMA) Archaeological Project: preliminary results and future directions for research on the Xiongnu Empire" (April 8th)
Mary Collins, Director of the Secretariat of the BC Healthy Living Alliance and former Member of Canadian Parliament, "Women and Power in Mongolia"(April 24th Scholar's Corner)
Dr. Amgalan Sukhbaatar, "The Relationship between Pedestrian Perception and Characteristics of Sidewalk Environment in case of the central area of Ulaanbaatar city" (April 22)
Dr. Susan Witte and Dr. Marion Riedel, "Efficacy of a savings-led microfinance intervention to reduce sexual risk for HIV among women engaged in sex work: A randomized clinical trial" (May 6th)
Dr. Charles Krusekopf, "10 years of ACMS in Mongolia" (May 21st)
Dr. Bill Fitzhugh, "Archaeology and Cultural Preservation in Mongolia" (May 22nd Scholar's Corner)
Dr. Cliff Montagne, "The BioRegions Project" (May 27th)
Dr. Bradley Rappa, "Use of Documentary Film on Assessing Impacts to Mongolian Pastoralism" (June 10th)
Dr. Kent Calder and Dr. Alicia Campi, "Eurasia's Place in the World Today and Why it Matters to Mongolia" (June 19th)
Your support of the ACMS will help us continue to expand our programs and services, allowing students and researchers to conduct field research in Mongolia, helping to develop a vibrant Mongolian language learning program, and building our library resources to benefit Mongolian and visiting scholars in Ulaanbaatar. Each and every member of the organization who dutifully renews his/her membership and each person who has given cash and in-kind donations should be proud of what their contributions have done to build this organization and meet this shared commitment to scholarship in Mongolia.
Donations and membership dues are the main source of unrestricted funds the ACMS can use to fill resource gaps, pilot new programs, and extend support to non-US scholars. This is particularly important for fellowship programs. Please make a donation today and help us support research and greater US-Mongolia understanding.
ACMS is a US registered 501(c)3 non-profit, education organization. Donations and membership dues are tax deductible.
Your donation ensures the continuation of the US-Mongolia Field Research Fellowship, which offers an opportunity for scholars early in their careers to experience Mongolia first hand and build collaborations with Mongolian scholars. North American students and scholars who visit Mongolia often get hooked for life. Mongolian students who work with North American scholars through the program find mentors and opportunities to attend and support US and Canadian universities and institutions.
Your donation helps to develop the ACMS Research Library Collection in Ulaanbaatar. Although modest in size with about 4,500 books, a walk through the shelves reveals a collection with tremendous depth and richness. It is a collection with no clear local rival in Mongolia, especially given its easy accessibility to researchers and students. Cash and book donations from patrons are welcomed.
Your donation supports ACMS outreach activities. The ACMS has organized over 100 lectures, 20 conferences and seminars, and given countless presentations in an effort to increase awareness of research and scholarship in Mongolia. The ACMS continues to build online resources to facilitate research and study. This Month in Mongolian Studies and this newsletter are also efforts to keep the academic community connected inside and outside of Mongolia.
Give Today! And, Thank you for your continuing support!
Make checks payable to American Center for Mongolian Studies and send to: c/o Center for East Asian Studies 642 Williams Hall, 255 S. 36th St. Philadelphia, PA 19104
Or donate online by visiting: www.mongoliacenter.org/donate
ACMS Institutional Members:
American-Eurasian Research Institute Arts Council of Mongolia Austin College Boston University Buryat State University Business Council of Mongolia Chinggis Khan University Colorado State University Columbia University Global Leadership Foundation Indiana University International Bridge College International School of Ulaanbaatar Johns Hopkins University Macalester College Madison Area Technical College Mongolian Academy of Management Mongolian State University of Agriculture Mongolian State University of Education Mongolian Univ. of Science and Technology Montana State University National University of Mongolia North America-Mongolia Business Council, Inc. (NAMBC) North Georgia College and State University Oglala Lakota College Portland Community College
Principia College Rice University Royal Roads University Seattle Community College Simon Fraser University Smithsonian Institution University of Alaska Anchorage University of Alaska Fairbanks University of Arizona University of British Columbia University of Chicago University of Hawaii at Manoa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Kansas University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Nebraska University of New Mexico University of Pennsylvania University of the Humanities, Mongolia University of Washington University of Wisconsin-Madison Upper Iowa University West Virginia University Western Washington University Whatcom Community College Yale University York University
ACMS Special Contributors
Corporate Patrons: Territory Heritage Resource Consulting, Sustainability Pty Ltd
Gold Patrons: William Fitzhugh, Curt Madison, William Cullinan, Elizabeth Endicott, Franz & Sally Jaggar, Charles Krusekopf, Edward Story, Ralph & Marta Nicholas, Jack Weatherford
Silver Patrons: Kristina Elkins, Jo Jagoda, Craig R. Janes, Barbara Porter, John Spencer, Ann Welden, Jennifer Yanco, Barbara Annan
Bronze Patrons: Wayne J. Adams, Jeanine Davis-Kimball, Erica Ehrenberg, Tony Ettinger, W. Benson Harer, Ken Heldenfels, Carolyn Irwin, Esther Jacobson-Tepfer, Gordon Jacoby, Amb. & Mrs. Joseph E. Lake, Robert LaMont, Phillip Marzluf, Andrew McCarthy, Susan Meinheit, Amy Miller, Jay Nathan, Mr. & Mrs. David A. Nichols, David Pichaske, Ted Politis, Nanette Pyne, Anne Riordan, Diane Ryan, Randall Streufert, Catherine deG. Vanderpool, Scott Weinhold, John and Missy Williams, Laura Wong, Enerel Dambiinyam, Nancy Nix, Prudie Orr
The AMERICAN CENTER FOR MONGOLIAN STUDIES (ACMS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization.